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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I've personally never considered 17yos (or 16yos) as being underage. In the UK they can drive cars, get married, have kids (but not drink alcohol or vote).
  2. Not if she's Thai! Liver cysts are commonly caused by dead liver flukes from eating uncooked fresh water fish/snails/crabs. Eventually they will become cancerous.
  3. @Simon43 has a thread about returning to the UK with suspected prostate cancer. His insurance company cancelled his policy when he tried to claim. So far he's encountered no problems with getting NHS treatment. He's currently staying in a Blackpool B&B at 18 pounds a night. You didn't state your age, it makes a big difference. At 50 it may be worth treating, at 70+ probably not. And also your sex life, even a biopsy can stop you having an erection for the rest of your life. Obviously if you don't care any more about sex that won't matter.
  4. I'd worry more about the competence of the Thai doctor and their diagnoses. My advice would be to go back to a western country,and get a real doctor to do the work. I've encountered 3 total doctor failures in Thailand in the past 10 years. 1. 8 years back my gall bladder needed to be removed or I'd die, it wasn't and I'm fine. 2. 6 years back my 5yo son needed an emergency appendectomy or he'd die, it was constipation. 3. 4 years back I needed prostate surgery, I didn't and it was actually a UTI. No faith in the competence of Thai doctors. If I'd had insurance that paid for everything, I'd at best now be missing some body parts, and at worst they would have killed me.
  5. I would disagree, generally the more choices people have, the less happy they are. There's also a difference in the sexes, most men appear to be generally happy, most women don't.
  6. Who would choose an old woman when a young one has the same costs? In the west the supply of young women is restricted by the government (welfare), in Thailand there are no such limitations. When I first came to Thailand (age 42) I was over the moon to find a 40yo girlfriend, then a little while later I realised I could have a 30yo just as easily, so I did.
  7. The left wing obsession with promoting deviant lifestyles needs no examination. Interestingly enough the extreme left leaders (Stalin, Mao, etc) had an entirely different opinion.
  8. I don't place that much trust in doctors. Weren't there a number of them claiming homosexuals were mentally ill? You can always find doctors that will agree with any nonsense.
  9. Suspect (from her name) that she's a Thai citizen. In which case she won't be extradited.
  10. If you buy them more than 1 drink, you're a time waster.
  11. Most of us don't have much contact with other users. I think it's more like seeing if other people get the same effect as us. I gave away some weed just to get some idea how other people viewed the weed I use. And basically they liked what I liked (small sample of four). As for taste/flavour/effect, I'd need to stay awake longer after smoking to express an opinion. But after my bedtime smoke it's a race to get undressed/brush my teeth and jump into bed before I fall asleep for the next 8hrs.
  12. I think they're talking PGR which allegedly is on most commercially grown cannabis imported to Thailand from the USA.
  13. It's almost as if you've never smoked brick in Thailand. I found 2-3 seeds in my last 100gm, and the branches I pick out before I grind..
  14. Isn't your alleged lifestyle at odds with your posts. Would have thought meditation and Yoga would indicate calm acceptance of those around you. Smoking cannabis is not a public safety issue.
  15. Sounds unlikely. I'd suspect it of being pure anti-MJ (or Anutin) propaganda. I don't believe smoking any amount of cannabis would cause a heart to stop beating.
  16. Wayyyyyyyy too expensive IMHO. 2x 10kWhr batteries = 100kbht 25 panels = 100kbht. 10kW inverter = 35kbht Cables/mountings/breakers = peanuts. So effectively you paid 3x the price of the parts. And it will be interesting to see how many leaks your new roof has in the monsoon. Not keen on roof mounting, the Thai workers usually aren't up to that job.
  17. Lao brick is widely available for 2000bht/Kg. 200bht for 8gm would be overpriced IMHO. My last purchase was 450bht for 100gm (inc delivery).
  18. Here ya go ............ Like every other totalitarian movement, what some call liberalism and others more recently often describe as Cultural Marxism has developed an ideology which its adherents use to justify the imposition of tyranny on the society they seek to overtake. The ideology of America’s contemporary totalitarian left can be called wokeism. The four intellectual pillars of wokeism are: 1) Anti-white racism disguised under the euphemism social justice. 2) Rejection of traditional morality, which is primarily carried out by the promotion of sexually deviant lifestyles such as homosexuality and transgender. In a truly surreal inversion of reality, they paint traditional morality as immoral by charging it with being homophobic, transphobic, and similar terms. 3) Environmentalism based on the notion that it is desirable and possible to arrest climate change. 4) Intense hostility toward Christian religion, which they negatively paint as patriarchal, intolerant, and oppressive.
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