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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It was 250 pounds heating + 10 pounds Xmas bonus (paid mid-December). If you live in a house as the only occupant you get 500 pounds heating.
  2. They sell your house to pay for the care home. But free for those who rent or are homeless.
  3. British Tip! I think the staff should work for an employer that pays them a proper wage. They'll get no other tips from me.
  4. Not really a Thai dish, all the curries (red, yellow, green) are only really offered in Tourist areas.
  5. Don't see a problem, they provided what people wanted using pharmaceuticals provided by a major manufacturer. How many of the manufacturers CEOs/staff and share-holders went to jail? Surely they are even more guilty?
  6. My woman went to visit relatives for the weekend. Still not free, as she wanted 2,000bht for the bus fares, I gave her 1,000bht. Then big drama at the bus station, they wouldn't let my 12yo kid board the bus without ID. They thought she'd abducted a foreign boy (white skin) and I had to send a copy of his Birth Cert and House book.
  7. I think the Thais are right. Who would want to work for someone else when you can work for yourself and choose your own hours/days.
  8. Don't forget to include prepping for the Zombie Apocalypse. Every home needs a collection of swords and machetes to defeat the ravaging hordes.
  9. I never really made any choices, I just staggered through life rolling with the blows.
  10. My bills were a little lower than yours (but not by much). I spent 100k and that's 80% of my household electricity usage covered. 9x 340w panels (30kbht), 1x 5kW hybrid inverter (13kbht), 6kWhr of batteries (50kbht). Aircon, shower heaters, kitchen appliances still on the grid. At 5bht/unit that's 20,000 units to generate before I break even. 9 units a day = 2222 days = 6 years. And no power cuts for my house during that time either.
  11. My misses grew all of them (no admission of guilt from me). Out of my her previous grows, Critical Orange Punch was easily the best, very vivid and detailed dreams when you closed your eyes. Amnesia, Red Diesel, White Widow were nowhere near as good. Lemon Kush was rubbish. Now I mainly smoke BubbleGummer and Tropical punch (just harvested 1 of each, currently drying), not gonna bother with Cheeslicious any more (one still growing), very poor cropper, only small flowers. Have some new strains coming along, Blue Dream, KC Brains Bahia Blackhead, Choice, Escape. No idea what they'll be like.
  12. Until they make 'not wearing and using a working bodycam' while on duty a dismissable offence (no excuses). This will happen every time.
  13. Agree, more than a year old, was good when fresh but I think I'll end up binning the 2oz I have left.
  14. Plenty of well loved dogs reported as killing the family children.
  15. I won't be insulted if you give me 10bht.
  16. It's a lot easier, Turn up an get 30 days on entry, extend in 2 month goes, 2nd extension gets you a residents card. Rinse and repeat with a local agent for 3 years then you need to leave the country for 1 night. The 2 month extensions are $50 (ish). Done via local agents, no need to ever see immigration.
  17. Current limit is 20 plants. Thai strains are very slow, I've had 2 crops of Euro seeds before my 1 Thai planting is finished. I won't be planting Thai seeds again.
  18. That's because the insurance company keeps the money you spend on healthcare as profit. In fact I believe the number is 23% of all premiums go to the insurance company.
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