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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I would ban all recreational travel. And ban the private ownership of motor vehicles. Then force everyone to live within cycling/walking distance of where they work. Also limit all housing to no more than 1 bedroom per person. If you have more than that, you get assigned a homeless person or refugee to live with you. This would also apply to National Trust, Royal and Church property. Don't believe in Global Warming (Karl didn't write about it), but do believe in redistribution of land and wealth.
  2. Don't say yes, don't say no. Just pretend the request never happenned.
  3. Itchy bum, especially at night is usually worms (the worms crawl in and out). Have you tried worming tablets?
  4. The sea hasn't risen where I use to live (Shoreham beach) in the past 62 years. All those Pacific islands haven't sunk either, in fact they're getting bigger, and the population is increasing. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/pacific-island-sinking-and-growing-same-time-180976481/
  5. My pickup is only used once a month when doing a bulk shop at Makro. I ether use a scooter or walk in my day to day life (2-3 litres a month). Didn't use air-con at all last month.
  6. I would say it's because the local population is so much worse than the foreigners.
  7. More to do with maximising water company profits than any lack of water IMHO. Also to do with building company profits, as they build in unsuitable areas where land is cheap.
  8. Your contribution is worth nothing. Moving your oil energy use from direct in your car to the coal/oil fired power station is worth nothing.
  9. I can remember standing up in my cot and shaking the bars to be allowed out. (It was blue and in a room at the back of the house overlooking railway tracks). That's more than 60 years back in the 1950s
  10. Globalists want to run the entire world. Stopping Climate change (if it existed) wouldn't work without having ALL countries under their tight control. It's fairly obvious really!
  11. How do you help? Do you generate your own electricity? Have you given up international air travel? Have you given up your oil powered transport?
  12. I'm not a believer but I generate 80% of my electricity. The believers don't usually do anything except talk and push their globalist agenda.
  13. I thought it was the celebration of a 15 year old girl giving birth to the son of a sexual deviant. In any other similar topic you'd all want the guy hanged and the kid aborted!
  14. No seeds I've bought in Thailand seem to be 'as advertised' Attitude seedbank in the UK is the best source, 10 days delivery and 10 pounds postage.
  15. It's just another day, the kids still go to school, the post still gets delivered.
  16. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/6-x-typhoo-one-cup-100-tea-bags-100-i2864608038-s10452021243.html
  17. Tea bags, used to be 200bht/100 in 2009. Now I can get Typhoo tea bags for less than 250bht/300.
  18. Full Moon wine coolers 28bht, same price as they were in 2009.
  19. Too much opportunity to cheat with post and computer. In person or not at all IMHO.
  20. Went there, appointment for 14th with medical. No walk ins.
  21. Renew 5 year license ...... Do I need a medical certificate? Can I just walk in for a DL renewal? I already have immigration CofR and my online test.
  22. Mail votes will always be a problem. Especially when the are the opposite to the in-person votes. I prefer a system where votes are made locally, in person on bits of paper, and the box gets opened and counted there and then in front of anyone who wants to watch.
  23. Scientific fact would be once they are capable of reproduction, they should. Opinion would be, they should wait for 5-10 years before they do.,
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