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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. The Thai seeds seem to do fine outside. The western seeds get 'leaf burn' and curl up in the hot sun. So I've got western plants growing inside, and Thai plants growing outside.
  2. I've been neglecting my indoor grow, plenty outside though. 1st planting reaching 7ft, 2nd planting small. Spot the climbing vermin!
  3. Some decent roots on this one (Cheeselicious), been a bit lazy the last week. The clones are rooting faster than I can pot them!
  4. Would point out Thai Gorilla Glue is not the same plant as Western Gorilla Glue. Unless you see the seeds coming out of a western seed pack, assume it's a knock off (aka fake).
  5. Zennioptical.com My progressive glasses are $50 delivered.
  6. No, I've already been everywhere and done everything and it was great. Most of my pals have already died, and well before 60. Best to have everything done well before 60, when you're fit and able IMHO.
  7. It's 18, and the police often catch and arrest underage youths sitting in bars with no drinks in front of them. Most bars near me have signs on the door 'under 20s not permitted to enter'. As for your awareness/ignorance of the laws ....... not my problem!
  8. I don't really care if my employees enjoy their work. None of my employers cared if I enjoyed working for them. Given a free choice, I'd never have worked even 1 day in my life.
  9. Best sex I ever had was with women I paid the morning after. Worst sex I ever had was with a woman who married and said she loved me (not that there was much sex in that 30 year period).
  10. Entering bars under the age of 18 would be the obvious one.
  11. I would disagree, I don't expect (nor desire) to live to age 77. But I would like to choose where I die, which is not in a UK nursing home. No need to run up expensive medical bills, accept death when it comes. I don't 'self-insure' or have any insurance, and don't intend to pay for long term medical care. It's not required, at 66 I've already had my life.
  12. No problems at all this year, apart from being a bit wet (currently places near the river are underwater). Plenty of places around for 1-2Mbht. Lots of 2 bed houses for rent at 5-7kbht. Better to rent IMHO.
  13. Past experience tells me once in power they will forget all their promises, bow to corporate greed, and join America in wars against 3rd world countries. Renewable energy? Wind farms are ugly and cause noise pollution, the used blades all end up in landfill, and there's not much point in solar in the UK. The sensible option would be to build a load of nuclear power stations. But there's no party with any sense.
  14. Bars don't have a choice, they let them in of have their bars burnt down.
  15. The problem being there are no suitable candidates (or party) to run the UK. Labour are a total disaster, maybe even worse than the Tories.
  16. I see inflation in the UK as a good thing. It pushes up my pension which I spend in Thailand.
  17. So you're saying the government repaying a loan early is a bad thing?
  18. I thought they bought 65M of Gilts? Which as far as I can see is just a government repaying a loan.
  19. This made me money, was going to transfer 1200GBP on the 1st, but restricted to 650GBP @ 42.2 This aft I transferred the other 550GBP @ 42.7 So I profited by 275bht!
  20. Pound now back to 42.7 ...... slightly higher than it was a month back. Maybe this thread should be closed now?
  21. I assumed the limit would be on until the UK markets opened. 9am UK time, 5pm Thai time.
  22. Small point, Do Oz know what mom's signature looks like?
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