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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It's actually normal, if you look at the top 20 richest people, they're never in that top 20 for long. An it's not as if he ever ha that much money in the bank. When you own a lot of shares in 1 company, trying to cash them in would usually cause a rapid drop in their value. If I had a billion $$$s in the bank, I wouldn't even bother investing in anything.
  2. The 120GBP UK street address + $90 London landline + 10GBP GiffGaff SIM add up to less than my winter fuel payment. So IMHO it's worthwhile.
  3. If you buy a street address in Poole they won't know it's a mailing address. Good for HMRC, DWP and banks, costs around 120GBP/year.
  4. I would assume the Thai Baht is failing big time, and the BoT is propping it up. Will be fun to watch when the BoT run out of foreign currency reserves. For those claiming Thailand has an amazingly successful economy ....... 1st Military governments usually have failing economies and failing currencies. 2nd All the manufacturing has either moved out, or is planning to move out. 3rd That latest COVID vaccine game must have done some damage.
  5. IMHO the most important reason why operating room and dental surgery staff wear masks and eye protection is to prevent being hit in the face by an unexpected arterial spurt.
  6. Would point out ganja was designed (by god?) to be a medicinal herb. Almost any medicine can be abused, but unlike Paracetamol and Aspirin, Ganga can't be used to kill people.
  7. 10" tablets cost around 5kbht. Alldocube Kpad 10.4 4600bht Huawei Matepad T10 4200bht It's why nobody bothers to make digital picture frames any more.
  8. We're not, we all lurk on the 'View New Content' page.
  9. Just give all the small plants another 4hrs/day under a grow lamp. No need to wait for the seasons to change.
  10. The USA made it illegal and forced their opinions on the rest of the world. No other countries were that bothered by it. Now the USA is no longer all that worried about cannabis, it makes sense that all the countries subservient to American money aren't that bothered either.
  11. If masks work, why have we all caught COVID 2x, despite multiple vaccinations and constant mask wearing? And the Chinese that all wear masks 24/7 have caught it most of all. Your 'facts' and reality just don't match up.
  12. Covid virus size varies from 500nm to 20nm.
  13. No heterosexual relationship is 'genuine'.
  14. The science says ............. Largest COVID virus size = 500nm Mask gap size = 55,000nm "A recent trial in Bangladesh found that people issued with surgical masks were 11% less likely to be infected with Covid-19. The results suggested cloth masks also reduce risk but the results were not statistically significant." https://fullfact.org/health/face-masks-covid-holes/ That's an 11% reduction in transmission if everyone wears a surgical mask. So the question is, would you buy an insurance policy that only paid out on 11% of claims?
  15. Don't think I've ever met anyone in Thailand with an IQ over 110. That's Thais and foreigners.
  16. All the places listed in the video wouldn't be places I'd want to live. And when they say peaceful, whom are they targeting? Peaceful for men and peaceful for women wouldn't be the same place. I've found peaceful places for me everywhere in Asia and nowhere in the West. Iceland wouldn't be peaceful for vegetarians, there is lots of meat and almost no vegetables.
  17. Every other house on my estate is growing, so more like 50%. Those not smoking add it to their food.
  18. I don't have any game! I don't have any sense of humour! I don't have a decent appearance! I don't wear bling! I'm not in good shape financially! I'm not hansum! But the 1,000bht note in my wallet seems to make up for all of that.
  19. Yeah, but no problem for us old folk, we'll be dead long before the bad air kills us.
  20. Do they allow you to have matches or lighters in Thai police cells?
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