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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Can't see a problem. Not wasting food is good for the world.
  2. Almost no food waste in our household. It all gets eaten no matter how long it was sitting in the sun.
  3. Not sure why the cabling cost would increase. Run from inverter to PV string can be standard 2.5mm twin. PVs mainly plug to each other.
  4. There is no reason to point PV panels anywhere but South (or as South as you can get).
  5. Not true, my pal had ringworm on his cheeks. He also had HIV, as Sheryl suggests, odd skin complaints that won't go away are one of the first signs.
  6. Hardly a consideration as almost everyone on this forum is old, white and male.
  7. Those who demand them should be permanently removed from free countries.
  8. It's based on the date from which you choose to start taking your pension. Alternatively, you could not tell them you live in Thailand and get an increase every year.
  9. Mine was in Chinese and the English translation didn't make much sense. But it still turned the electric off (no flash, bang, spark) quicker than the fuses could flip when it got shorted. (daughter + iron + extension lead = short)
  10. I question if you need an RCBO on the output of a hybrid inverter. The inverter is itself a RCBO.
  11. I you had any honesty, you'd be generating your own electricity.
  12. Fairly common in the USA, or so I'm told. In the UK they nearly all expected 3x dinner and drinks for 1x sex. Can't remember much success when they paid for themselves.
  13. Same, but for 30 years.
  14. I don't think anyone is getting tired of democratic values, but nearly everyone is getting tired of woke, climate alarmist, green socialist values.
  15. I've always thought the best thing to do is have fun now, and not worry about later. No health insurance for me, I had some, they didn't pay out, and they won't get any more money from me.
  16. Best to be polite to a people that will pull a gun and kill you for looking at them in a funny way.
  17. No need, the vegans have to ell everyone within 30s of meeting that they're vegans. I don't have a problem with gay guys.
  18. I've not found that, The gay guys I've encountered here are all vegans/meditation/yoga fanatics.
  19. When I see all the climate alarmists posting in these threads generate their own electricity and the rulers of the earth stop buying beachfront property ........ I will believe it! Here's a typical conversation with a climate alarmist. Q: How much of your electricity do you generate? ..... A: None Q: why not? ...... A: I expect everyone else to pay for my beliefs. Q: So what do you actually do to prevent climate change? A: I post a lot in forums.
  20. You're right, but I'd already dried 2 plants under the stairs with no problems.
  21. I'd do a line or two with her!
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