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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Same, I paid for the house, food and all our family living expenses, my wife's pay, from being a teacher, was spent on herself and the kids. I'm now living that same life with a much younger Thai woman.
  2. My experiences match yours. I can only think the guys that claim different are either (1) lying or (2) never had much sex with women. Usually (2) is the correct answer. I was married 1979-2009 so can't really comment on dating in that period. Obviously if you were a drug dealer, gang member or murderer you could get as much as you wanted for free.
  3. Not really strange, anything less than 100 years old was never considered 'history' in academia.
  4. I doubt you ever had much sex at any age (with another person in the room).
  5. Thinking back to my school days, we didn't learn any history more modern than the Battle of Agincourt, or anything older than the Battle of Hastings (circa 1066-1450). Even though our history teacher was a guy that lost an arm in WW2.
  6. Feel free, You would never find me posting in favour of anyone that attended private school taking public office. Not even (Lord) Tony Benn or Jeremy Corbyn.
  7. I'll give you a hint, you should be arguing with Chomper on this point.
  8. Who do you think the 'lowest common denominator' is? If it were up to me no wealthy people (or people with wealthy families) should be allowed to run for public office. Even going to a private school should exclude a candidate from running for office. They only represent themselves and live entirely separate lives to the 'common people'.
  9. No, that would be the government that bans relatively harmless recreational drugs. Even the NZ PM snorts cocaine.
  10. My former employers back in the UK used to provide cocaine at office parties. They had some really good themed parties, loads of free food and drinks, bands, dancers, fire eaters.
  11. That's how politicians win elections. If only we could prevent the common man voting the world would be a perfect place.
  12. Sugar is the preservative in jam. If no sugar, you can be assured something more dangerous is used.
  13. No stock in Chiang Mai as usual.
  14. Considering 13% of the US population is black and 19% is Latino (27% Latino in Florida). Why must everything be about black people, do Hispanics have no worth? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Florida "According to the 2020 census, the racial distributions are as follows; 51.5% Non-Hispanic White, 26.6% of the population are Hispanics or Latino (of any race), 14.5% African American, 4% Native American, and 2.3% Asian, Oriental and other."
  15. Not a good idea as discussion is treated by Thais as aggression. Best to say nothing but act to reduce the waste unilaterally.
  16. Wouldn't Cuban or Mexican studies be more appropriate to the location.
  17. I think he's right to ban Anti-white racism disguised under the euphemism social justice or African studies.
  18. I give mine the money I was prepare to pay, and tell her to keep the change (or pay the excess herself). Never any over-ordering, unlimited 'open wallet' is a bad idea..
  19. My string is 320v and 7A max.
  20. Marion Morrison was a real person, but he called himself John Wayne in movies.
  21. No relationships are 'genuine', if they were the women (western or not) would have always contributed 1/2 the cost of every 'date'. They would also be paying half the home purchase price and buying themselves life insurance. The main differences between a western and Thai relationship being the Thais don't try to hide what's happening. In the west generally 3x dinner = 1x sex (maybe) In Thailand we can just hand her the money and not have to waste time with 'dinner'.
  22. I normally use 50 units/month, so my bill will go up by 50bht- the discount on the standing charge. But it will reduce my solar payback time by 1-2 years (with the batteries it previously was 7 years).
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