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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Quite often it's the Lao language. Sometimes it's Khmer, Mandarin or Arabic. There are 71 different languages in use in Thailand. Only 40% of the Thai population are native Central Thai speakers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Thailand Now if you want to claim they are all minor variations of the same language, Kra-Dai, then you probably believe that most of Europe also speak the same language, variations of Latin.
  2. Yes, he refused to change our currency at E1.6 to the GBP. So we all effectively lost 25% of our assets now it's only E1.2 to the GBP.
  3. Do the MoPH have the right to issue instructions to the police? I'm thinking laws need to be issued by parliament then published in the Royal Gazette.
  4. Says who? Independently tested or results from the Thai schools? Schools where everyone passes every year even if they don't turn up for classes.
  5. Nah, all women are the same type of person, it just takes some of them longer to reveal their mental illness.
  6. I am actually smarter than you can imagine, and I've spent my life looking for a drug that makes me feel as stupid as the rest of you.
  7. Please post a link to any court case involving a pensioner claiming increases while living overseas.
  8. I'll join you and bring the MJ. Now we just need 1 more to bring the alcohol and we can have a great evening.
  9. I'm only taking it for medicinal purposes. I have mild arthritis in my knuckles which previously hurt 24/7. Pain completely gone if I smoke 0.5gm before bed ever evening.
  10. 1. I'll be dead before the chemicals harm me. 2. 4bht/gm brick is a great price for me. Means my hobby grow doesn't matter if it produces or not.
  11. Yeah but your pal is paying 700bht/gm and I'm paying 4bht/gm. So I can smoke a lot more for a lot less. A fat 1gm cone costing 4bht gets 2 people off! @Anitin, good on yer mate, if I had a vote, I'd vote for you (despite your dirty Farang comment).
  12. We had a week of torrential rain this month, which is why my bill is so high. Thinking of moving my panels so they don't go in shadow at 1:45pm.
  13. Yes, I agree, Oz has gone from the freest and most open country in the western world to the most tyrannical in the last 15 years. But I don't expect the rest of the west to follow it down that rabbit hole.
  14. Just got this months bill ......... 82 units, 327bht ($10).
  15. My English comprehension skills let me understand, I am waiting in an online queue, and just need to wait until my computer screen proceeds to the next step. It even tells me my online queue ID.
  16. https://www.gov.uk/get-a-passport-urgently/online-premium-service Says book an appointment online (at least 2 days earlier), then get your passport in person in 30 minutes. Quicker than when I last did mine, 5 years back. You can also send a pal to collect your new passport, if you let them have a letter authorising collection along with your existing passport.
  17. I fly back to the UK and get my passport in person from their London office, the whole process takes 2-3hrs. Its only once every 10 years.
  18. Several AN posters applied by post from Thailand during COVID, they all had long delays in payment. I applied online at the same time as them, and was paid exactly on time.
  19. I grew a Lemon Kush feminised photo-period outside my grow tent as I ran out of space and it went a bit mad size wise, just using the light from the nearby window, and spill from the grow tent. Ended up 6' tall and grew a lot of flower, germinated in Feb, finished in June. This is it still in veg phase.
  20. As THC is now legal you can smoke it discreetly, unless you get caught carrying it there is no way for anyone to test how it entered your system, legally through medicinally smoking, or illegally using recreational extracts.
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