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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Would say the opposite, Legalisation will drive the prices down, do criminals can't make the same profits. The war on drugs just created powerful gangs loaded with money, same as did prohibition.
  2. I now have 3 seedlings potted into peat. (Peat and Coco are both hydro mediums, no nutrients in them, you have to add in the water every day) I'm putting them out in the early morning sun every day until 10am, when they get moved out of the direct sunlight. I already managed to burn the tips of Wiang Ping's first leaves when I left them out until 11am, no serious damage. I'm using WESCO 30-20-10 +TE, 5ml mixed in with 2l of tap water, stir well, measure the PH (mine is 6.5) then reduce the PH to 6 by stirring in a small amount of Citric acid crystals. Water around the plant (never on it) until water drips through the bottom of the pot. That 2l will probably last me 3 days on plants this small.
  3. I always have my extendable steel baton in my 'man bag'. Every dog seems to understand what it is, no need to even extend it. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3379463246-s12497131273.html @exelbeat me to it!
  4. Another one for me this morning in this years 'troll grow' ........... Blueberry Cheesecake. I'm putting mine outside in the morning sun until 10am, then they get moved inside near the window.
  5. I spent a lot of time searching the internet for information on how to grow. Plenty of advice for those growing in the USA, nothing for anyone trying to grow in Thailand. Equipment, fertiliser, soils used in the USA just not available here. Weather in California totally different, all the advice available is for people growing in a temperate climate. As for costs, around 7k-8kbht for lights and a 2ft x 4ft tent. Takes about 20-30mins a day to prep nutrients and water the plants. Energy costs, 3-4 units/day 16bht tops, 1,800bht total for 6-8oz of dried flower. Enjoy paying 700bht/gm from a shop, Even at 300bht/gm ...... 6gm Vs 6oz. You get lots of comments from people that have never grown anything, anywhere. Post a photo of your last grow ..............
  6. Agree, it's a hard sell for remote locations, and this house looks a bit cheap and rundown for that price. Few foreigners would want to live there, so it should be aimed at the Thai market.
  7. With all the price rises everyone is broke ...... first thing to cut down on is eating out. I used to take the family out once a week for a meal by the lake, now it's once a month.
  8. HLG 240 + Quantum board LEDs, around 5,000bht, covers an area of 2ft x 4ft. There's no other light worth buying IMHO. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/led-grow-light-hlg-samsung-lm301h-v3-120240320480600-watt-meanwell-driver-indoor-grow-light-i1541120030-s4105680284.html Loads of sellers .......... I have 2 of these, come with dimmers and hanging wires.
  9. I purchased a 2ft x 4ft grow tent and 2x HLG 240s with Quantum boards for 12,000bht. That grew me 20oz in 6 months using WESCO fertilizer at 120bht/Kg. I'm not sure why you would be expecting to pay 74kbht. As for seeds, autos aren't that great an idea as they usually produce 1oz per plant. Fem seeds are the way to go, 1 seed then 10 clones from that seed. 600bht for the equipment to make 4 clones per week, what's the rush?
  10. More space in a bus, and a toilet. Wouldn't want to do overnight Chiang Mai to Hua Hin (12-14hrs) in a taxi.
  11. free food and a place to stay for anyone that asks. I used to live near a temple, at meal times there would always be a collection of elderly Thais walking there with an empty bowl in their hands. The temples feed many poor people every day.
  12. Was this gold investors in Thailand that actually held the physical gold? Or was it just gold investors in the west buying bits of paper?
  13. Why not, there's good public bus services. Bus from airport to the beach 50c (leaves from outside the local arrivals 100m to the right of the international arrivals) , bus from Da Nang to Hoi An $1. Those photos I posted were from just before COVID, as a Brit I didn't need a VISA so I went there a lot. I found AirBnB the best place to book rooms, plenty to choose from within walking distance of the beach.
  14. Yeah, my Cocoa Red didn't sprout either, I've reused the Jiffy pellet with another seed. Don't delay the potting, the roots are likely already out the bottom of the JP.
  15. Da Nang is a very nice family beach resort, clean clear water for swimming. Hoi An is a short bus trip away.
  16. I looked it up as well, but still don't understand. Not surprised Prayut couldn't answer either, especially as he doesn't speak English.
  17. Peanuts are an even more dangerous substance, they can kill you in a few minutes. Time to regulate everything, especially missionaries.
  18. I'd want the TE .......... my quoted post has a typo, PH6 (not 6.8).
  19. My seedlings will be sitting on the windowsill out of direct sunlight for a few weeks until big enough to start cloning. Not worth the expense of using lights. Once I start with the lights, 18-24 inches from the small plants and turned down quite low.
  20. My kid finished Uni last year, she's getting paid 20k month + free air-con apartment shared with a co-worker.
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