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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Why would you even try? Let guys make their own choices, no need for you to stick your oar in.
  2. I would say my life in Thailand has exceeded all my wildest fantasies from back in the UK. If someone had suggested what I'd be getting up to in my 50s/60s, to me in my 20s/30s, I'd have called them a liar.
  3. In my estimation all relationships with women fail, unless one of you is lucky enough to die first. As for the women always ending up broke ........ how much money has Amber Heard left? Ms. Z. Gabor used to say, "I'm a wonderful housekeeper, every time I divorce a man I keep his house"
  4. Another error is thinking your girl is different ................. Oops @Hummin beat me to it!
  5. Why would you want a girl that said no? That'd be too much like having a wife. Sit at a table with a drink, let them approach you.
  6. You old and fat, she young and pretty = John + hooker in any country in the world.
  7. Another delivery from Attitude Seedbank just now. I've got too many seeds to choose from ..............
  8. Fly in the windows, come in on clothing, eggs in the grow medium .......... how do spiders get in your bathroom?
  9. I grow indoor, still got spider mites and thrips ......... had to use pesticide 3x on my indoor grow.
  10. Price and effect is more important than strength IMHO. At 20% THC I can only manage half a fat one. At 10% THC I can smoke the entire joint. 1gm @ 10% THC = happy (1 kingsize paper rolled in a cone is around 1gm). Adjust weights and % as required. What Prikpot is selling for 700bht will last most people at least 2 evenings. Is it expensive? ......... how much do you spend getting drunk on a night out?
  11. 6 digit it's a new card from just before they changed their name.
  12. Used my TMB VISA card to buy cannabis seeds online from the UK earlier this month. Although it has stopped working as an ATM card in most other machines last month. Still works in BKB machines, doesn't work in TTB ATMs which is a bit weird.
  13. Makro sell bacon and sausages. King brand Cumberland sausages are in the freezer next to the frozen crab sticks. They're really good, 240bht/Kg.
  14. Learn to recognise your daughter's name written in Thai script. More likely the attorney will cheat you than the land office.
  15. Same with my 2 battery packs, one works fine with just the Daly BMS, the other was hopeless until I put a 5A flying cap across 8 of the 16 cells.
  16. 66, can't say I want any longer. Can't see much fun in any future I have left, all my pals are already dead. I know a few guys older than me, when I look at their lives, I'd rather be dead.
  17. But as someone else posted, smoking doesn't take time off the start or middle of your life, it takes it off the end. Does anyone really care if they miss the end 10 years of their life, living alone in a bedsit or nursing home and walking with a Zimmer frame? Not me for sure.
  18. I suspect when you're over 60 nothing you do will make much difference to your end date. Eat, drink and smoke what you want, tomorrow you die! I haven't made cheesecake for ages, maybe tomorrow .........
  19. I'm probably a lot more hansum ...... it makes a difference. If women don't like you, you won't see warmth or affection from them.
  20. Almost all the Thai women I've been alone with displayed warmth and affection, even the ones I was paying short-time. Maybe it's you and not them.
  21. I definitely avoid any areas that might taste of somtam or pla ra.
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