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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. No but my home is 90% financed by SCB bank. Any problems (with her or the house) and I can just walk away. My neighbours built right up to the property line against local and Moobaan rules. Then they put a gutter overhanging the wall, I told them to move the gutter or I'd pull it down. They moved the gutter and never talked to me again. Didn't care about the wall.
  2. I paid a lot of money for my state pension 20% of my wage for 35 years. But would happily accept a refund and give up my pension rights. Lemme see 20% of a wage varying from 30kGBP to 60kGBP (let's average it at 45kGBP) = 400,000 pounds.
  3. No excuses, if you take government money you should be forced to be at work 40hrs a week. Even if that work is sitting in a room staring at the walls.
  4. IMHO white foreigners shouldn't open a business in Thailand unless they've had years of experience in running the same business successfully in their home countries. Same advice for buying their gf/wife a business, no previous experience = no investment. As for skimming, The answer is always stock control and receipts from suppliers and customers, know how much you've bought and the weight of each portion.
  5. Like everything in Thailand, the rules don't matter as there's no enforcement.
  6. Back in the UK when I were a lad. When beef was cheap we ate beef, when lamb was cheap we ate lamb, when pork or chicken were cheap ......... I like all meat equally, seems sensible to eat which ever is the best price, in Thailand I eat mainly pork and chicken.
  7. Never count your profit until the money is in your bank account!
  8. This is Thailand, nobody cares about laws, not the police, not the PM.
  9. More like you look to old to be a customer. Back on topic, When a country has lost a war, the sensible thing to do is to stop fighting and surrender. The war on drugs is lost, legalise them all and get on with life.
  10. Don't know about Pattaya, but 2.5 of our 6 CM Malls have failed during COVID. KSK failed, Promanda failed, Pantrip half failed (top 3 floors almost empty)
  11. Yeah, they're fruit flies. Don't leave any fruit or veg around or in your open waste bin.
  12. You've never looked around a Barrett Home then? As for housing quality, 40,000 pound Chiang Mai home 8 years broken water pipe 1,000bht. 300,000 pound Oxford home 10 years rotting window frames 800 pounds. 500,000 Cornish home 9 years broken patio doors 2000 pounds. I prefer the repair bills on my Thai home.
  13. If you were the police who would you choose to go out and arrest? 1. two naked women 2. A gang that stole more than 100 guns. I know my choice!
  14. You think there's a lot of doctors and nurses arriving on the boats?
  15. People don't like being called racists, what happens in the privacy of the polling booth may be different though.
  16. Many men will happily trade their safety for the chance of more sex. If you're not prepared to do that, stay in your home country and have none.
  17. UK law gives a bit of wiggle room, if shes over 14 and you're under 25. Most EU countries were OK with sex if they were both over 13 in the 1980s.
  18. Both sides agree they didn't have sex, so it obviously is about making passes (the bit that comes before the sex).
  19. Yeah, drugs are good too!
  20. Wise is a UK based company. There's no way anyone could tell where you transferred that money without a court order to Wise.
  21. I moved my dishwasher into the home in 2016. She's a bit old and worn now, but still manages to do the job.
  22. Odd that, Any long term VISA of extension gets me a 5 year license. My last one I got on a 1 year non-O multi.
  23. I have a 24yo daughter and a 13yo daughter. The 24yo isn't ready for a sexual relationship, but the 13yo is ready. We've already had to give the 13yo the 'if you have sex, you'll be back in the village' speech. Different people have different personalities. As for Kevin Spacey, 'American Beauty' was one of the best movies ever made. That and 'Fight Club' changed my life. I don't really care what he did in his private life, the rich and famous are expected to be a bit more naughty than the rest of us.
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