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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. No seeds I've bought in Thailand seem to be 'as advertised' Attitude seedbank in the UK is the best source, 10 days delivery and 10 pounds postage.
  2. It's just another day, the kids still go to school, the post still gets delivered.
  3. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/6-x-typhoo-one-cup-100-tea-bags-100-i2864608038-s10452021243.html
  4. Tea bags, used to be 200bht/100 in 2009. Now I can get Typhoo tea bags for less than 250bht/300.
  5. Full Moon wine coolers 28bht, same price as they were in 2009.
  6. Too much opportunity to cheat with post and computer. In person or not at all IMHO.
  7. Went there, appointment for 14th with medical. No walk ins.
  8. Renew 5 year license ...... Do I need a medical certificate? Can I just walk in for a DL renewal? I already have immigration CofR and my online test.
  9. Mail votes will always be a problem. Especially when the are the opposite to the in-person votes. I prefer a system where votes are made locally, in person on bits of paper, and the box gets opened and counted there and then in front of anyone who wants to watch.
  10. Scientific fact would be once they are capable of reproduction, they should. Opinion would be, they should wait for 5-10 years before they do.,
  11. When I took in my Thai wife's 12 year old step-daughter the whole village assumed I would be banging her. When it became apparent I wasn't, they asked if I were gay. Seems to me the Thai villagers think it's OK to have sex with 12 year olds and up as long as the family don't object. If you every visit the Hmong village in CM you will notice most of the 14yos are carrying babies. In Spain until 2016 the age of consent was 13, then they bowed to EU pressure to up it to 16. In France the age of consent is still 15. Different cultures, different rules.
  12. Thai tourists left high and dry as beach resort cancels booking claiming electrical problems"" Shocking!
  13. Impregnated the virgin Mary (according to the bible).
  14. 30, 32, 39, 42, 32! As previously claimed, I prefer women in their early to mid 30s.
  15. If it's good enough for Mohammed, Joseph and God ................... who are we to question? And before you accuse me of being a pedo, I like women in their early to mid 30s, always have, probably always will. Can't really get worked up about what other cultures allow. Not my business.
  16. Would point out getting an advertised council job often leads to the opportunity of getting a better and unadvertised council job. Best no to be choosy at the start IMHO.
  17. I thought wealth and billionaire status was about what you had, not what you might get in the future.
  18. Drugs and guns problems in Thailand, trivial IMHO compared to some western countries. I don't worry about either.
  19. I never really cared about having more money that I needed. Nothing wrong with noodle soup and beer IHMO.
  20. Self prescribed, cannabis 0.5gm smoked every evening before bed, the 24/7 pain in my knuckles has almost completely gone and I can now open twist top bottles by hand again. Cost was 450bht for 100gm of brick, works out at around 2bht/day.
  21. I didn't think that counted as rape.
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