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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. 150bht/gm where I am. It'll be much cheaper than that when Maejo University have finished selling their 1000s female clones at 30bht/plant. I might even pop along tomorrow and buy 5 for the garden, not exactly a major loss if the rabbits eat them. The rabbits go mad for MJ leaves.
  2. Interesting you pick the GB peso, while ignoring the Canadian, Australian, and NZ peso which are all doing much worse. Brexit has a lot to answer for!
  3. Apparently outside MaeJo university at 30bht per female plant (less than 1Km from me). Maejo university has a big grow area just outside of town, I was there a year back at a big cannabis event.
  4. All female clones as well, no male plants to waste your time with.
  5. I'd go with 3 for autos, the plants never get that big, and you're pouring nutrients through every day, I find the 5s a bit heavy to move around). I just use the mix levels suggested on the back of the WESCO packet and forget about PPM/T.D.S. I did use a T.D.S. pen a few times, think it was 300-500. I chucked in 1/2 cap of cal-mag once a week as well, but not convinced it did anything worthwhile (the WESCO 30-20-10 contains trace elements). I did a couple of autos, but didn't find the crops worthwhile.
  6. Farcical religious ceremonies in Thailand have no value in Thai law. If you have no marriage certificate from the Amphur office, you aren't married.
  7. I'm gonna try this next time Wood vinegar. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/100-organic-wood-vinegar-11litre-i1650744892-s4582058241.html
  8. As long as you can make liquid fertiliser with them, any nutrient brand will work (with correct NPK). I always use the cheapest fertiliser ......... WESCO. Hydroponics rely on no fertiliser except the liquid you pour through every day. No top dressing. And you really need to adjust the PH of the liquid before you pour it through. Making up a weeks worth doesn't work, as the PH changes when it's sitting around. PH pen and citric acid crystals are essential to get the correct PH (5.6-5.8-6.1-6.3). Mix your nutrient solution, adjust the PH, water around the plant (never on top of the plant) until the nutrient mix drips freely through the pot base. Everyone has their own idea for the correct PH to grow cannabis in Coco ...... near to 6 seems to work for me. Probably 5.6-6.3 are the outer limits.
  9. As long as you got to bang her, that's a result IMHO.
  10. Ideal climate is dry and sunny. Bad climate is wet and humid. Which climate does Thailand have?
  11. Nothing better to do so potted it up ...... 1. Cover the bottom of the pot with stones so the coco doesn't fall through and make a mess. 2. Mix your coco and perlite, break up any larger clumps of coco. 3. Fill up the pot, dig a Jiffy pellet size hole. 4. Fill around the pellet, water around the pellet (never on the plant). 5. Place on a drip plate in the sun (mine is on the windowsill). No plant food needed yet, another day or two before I use fertiliser.
  12. No consequences. Ps after a breakup they often claim to be pregnant. Make her take a pregnancy test while you wait and watch.
  13. Planted four seeds over a few days on 10th, 11th and 14th. First seed up this morning, after 5 days, Wiang Ping from the Thai seller on Shoppee. Nothing happening with the others ....... yet. It's been slower this year, I'm thinking it's the lower temps. My last germinating was done when it was 35c every day, this week it's hardly broken 30c.
  14. My Mil had to be taken to hospital in an ambulance 2x last month for long term paracetamol overuse. The hospitals issue them for chronic low level pain, the Thais take them constantly until they get stomach problems.
  15. I'd say 150-200bht/gm would be a reasonable price. I equate drinking 2 large beers (or 3 wine coolers) to 0.5gm of smoked weed. So would place the maximum price per gram for weed at 4 large beers. Medicinal use of both obviously, not recreational.
  16. Seeds are easy Attitude seedbank in the UK. 5 pounds a seed, 10 pounds delivery, arrive in 5-10 days. I ordered on the 9th, and the seeds arrived on the 14th.
  17. Cambodia, weed available everywhere for $10 a bag. Instructions, don't smoke in a public place and you'll be OK. My hotel even had a smoking pavilion by the pool for pot heads to smoke all day.
  18. Spider mites are a big problem in Thailand. You should try to grow some here, before you knock others. I've not seen one thread where you've contributed anything of worth. So I'm putting you on ignore, no need for me to read posters who only spout negativity and bile.
  19. Cancer is from smoking tobacco, no study has ever revealed a link between smoking cannabis and cancer. I prefer to smoke this ......... one I grew earlier.
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