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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Not sure about that, after a brief panic the pound is almost back to where it was.
  2. I thought it was obvious the Tory party membership would never vote for a non-White leader. If a white man had been in the running Liz wouldn't have been selected either.
  3. If you don't mind torrential rain and flooding every day.
  4. I don't have anything against the Russians, why would I want to fight them?
  5. I would say the UK declaring war on the EU (a united Europe under German rule) is the way forward. It worked the first two times, so 3rd time lucky!
  6. Pound is back up to 41.5, panic almost over.
  7. Paperwork isn't 'produce'.
  8. Name a western country that produces more than it consumes?
  9. The left are just as bad, and their candidates are equally in the corporations pockets. It was the Labour government (Gorden Brown) that destroyed all the final salary pension schemes.
  10. All currencies/pensions/investments/bitcoin will go the same way. Nothing I can do about it so pointless to worry.
  11. Sadly the left and the right only forward candidates that are idiots, and IMHO not worth voting for. Corporate greed is destroying our civilisation, which is why all the pension schemes (and everything else) are on the verge of collapse.
  12. Last time I voted was for Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party.
  13. You'll get nothing worthwhile out of your females if that neighbouring male is allowed to keep growing.
  14. Around 50 coffee shops in a 2Km radius of my house ............ spent all morning in one today, I was 1 of 5 customers. Even more mobile phone shops. Gotta love the optimism of the Thais!
  15. Many plants won't flower until they're big enough. I'm guessing that plant isn't big enough to flower. Some of mine are 7ft tall and starting to flower. Most of the 6ft (or smaller) plants are still in veg.
  16. Most private pension schemes are guaranteed by the UK government. Mine is guaranteed up to 75%, so I don't really care if the scheme goes bust or not. At worst I would lose 175 pounds a month, but 20% of that would be tax. So my actual maximum loss would be 140 pounds/month. No big deal.
  17. I can do a photo of the first Thai lady I lived with for a year Vs my former UK wife I lived with for 30 years. Both photos taken when I was in my early 50s and representative of the way they really looked, 6 month gap between living with one then living with the other. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven, was already living with the Thai lady when my divorce came through.. I'll leave you to rate them!
  18. I'd rate that as a 7 ......... nice legs, shame about the boat race!
  19. The Songtaws are Yellow and run from San Patong to Chiang Mai Gate every 10 minutes, 20-30bht. Then you get the Red Songtaw round the moat, maybe another Red Songtaw up Huay Keow road to the university. Cheapest way is just to buy the kid a scooter.
  20. I hate everyone, but prefer to live in a warm climate.
  21. I think you're missing ........... Cold climate = unhappy people.
  22. My woman had to buy 20 years life insurance paid up front 30kbht plus buildings insurance 2k5bht/year. Scb. Your premiums seem way too high!
  23. Yet almost every other electricity pole has bare live wires near its base.
  24. Did you have an HIV test? You're a bit young to get pneumonia without an underlying immune problem.
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