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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Sex didn't really start for me until I entered Thailand age 52. Hasn't stopped yet at age 66, although less variety now.
  2. I don't care what they do when out of my sight, but all/any babies will be DNA tested.
  3. Torrential rain for the past 4 days/nights in CM ....... finally it's stopped raining this morning.
  4. I don't think JD has ever pretended (or acted) to be anything he isn't. Every movie he is Captain Jack Sparrow, same in real life. I can't put any blame on him, she knew what she was getting.
  5. Everyone I know has already had COVID (vaxxed or not) at least once. What's wrong with you?
  6. OK, so my kids first few days back at school for two years as well. Torrential rain and wet shoes, not the greatest start.
  7. Pick them up and put them over the wall. It's a once a year job. If you don't want to do it yourself, give a local kid 100bht to do it.
  8. Smoke reduced my solar power from 2,500W to 1700W Rain reduced my solar power from 2,500W to 0W I prefer the smoke to the rain. This rain is costing me money!
  9. You believe in vaccination and climate change. Some people believe in god. On many topics there is no truth, just personal opinion and private fantasy. I respect your right to your personal opinions, but once you start telling me what to do, and try to force your opinions on me as 'the truth', then we have a problem.
  10. I would never have classed him as a loser. Lots of power, money and women defines a winner IMHO. 80% of the men in the world were designed to be nothing more than servants and cannon fodder. Generally these sort of men would never have much sex or manage to reproduce. These men don't have a place in the modern western world. I do agree, this gives rise to a lot of anger and possibly violence. True forced loneliness being an example.
  11. Generally the Asian girls are nicer to their customers. Outside Asia I've never bothered, it didn't seem worthwhile. But you must know this too.
  12. In Thailand mostly, depends on position, design and quality. Particularly large front of leg, chest or full back tattoos. Obviously not all women in the world. Woman in OP, definitely.
  13. I'd say they haven't done it because the police would aggressively arrest fine and jail all involved. Taking money away from the police won't be allowed.
  14. 1. I did that, and it's worked out very nicely (no gold or bags, house on mortgage). But the game is carrot and stick ... if you let them eat the carrot you're history. 2. I have very little in common with anyone, especially not women (Thai or other).
  15. Never had a problem with lowlife males, but I have to carry an extendable baton for the dogs.
  16. Yeah, I thought that about my former Brit wife ........ 30 years. I was wrong.
  17. Trusting your wife is probably a mistake.
  18. I don't like it when I'm having sex with a hooker and she takes a call from her husband. Expecting me to carry on quietly.
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