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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Don't forget the illegals are mostly criminals ......... if they weren't criminals they'd apply the legal way. So the country is filling up with stabby jihadies.
  2. Higher = no problem. Lower = reduction in output for all your other panels.
  3. Assuming you have your panels in series, any panel with the same or higher current will do for a replacement. Mine are 9A, your string will be limited to the lowest current panel. How easy is that?
  4. The entire western world is broken. A world where where white men who created everything have no rights. And foreign immigrants/asylum seekers are given everything.
  5. I think you'll find they are the cream of the UK crop!
  6. And the correct answer would be, "Canada", as your travel itinerary is none of his business.
  7. Back in the UK I didn't meet many 60+ year olds (ugly, fat, tattooed or not) that could score a 30 year old. Paul McCartney being the exception, but even he couldn't find a whole one.
  8. No need to let anyone know where you live!
  9. I moved here in 2009, was getting 50 to the Bht, now I'm getting 42 to the Bht. So a loss of 17%, but then my Brit pension has nearly doubled in that same time, while Thai inflation was very low so I'm quids in.
  10. Went to Chiang Mai immigration last week, in just before 9:30, back home by 11:30. That was a 1 year family extension plus a Certificate of Residence for my driving licence. Really can't complain, it was packed out, but it was working faster then ever.
  11. Well obviously, because we don't have heating bills. I'm waiting to see the grid failures all across the USA and Europe this winter because of the Greenies daft renewable energy policies.
  12. I prefer to view it as the government repaying it's loans early.
  13. Nice hotel, I used to live nearby but couldn't afford to stay there. Not sure what the migrants would do, very rural, no public transport, no work, no local shops. Nearest supermarket about 25Km.
  14. I find cannabis is very good for joint pain. Smoking 0.5gm in the evening = no pain the next day for me.
  15. I doubt Putin has any way of delivering nukes to the USA, unless he uses DHL.
  16. In Chiang Mai the Thai-Danish Dairy (opposite the Zoo) sell 5Kg bags of raw milk for around 130bht.
  17. I doubt anyone came here looking for a worse life. PS. Never let anyone know your real name, address or immigration status. Loose lips get you locked up!
  18. Gets you away from bear attacks as well, as long as you're with someone less fit.
  19. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/3-50-cm-i3613486403-s13534912648.html
  20. Extendable baton for 100bht from Lazada sorts the soi dogs. No need to even swing it, they know what it's for.
  21. Those who want to take drugs will take drugs. Putting them in prison will not stop them taking drugs. Making drugs illegal is merely a way for governments and police to make money and exert control.
  22. The DM carefully chose a photo to show their opinion of her. And I agree with them, religious extremists have no place in UK government and should have no part in creating and enforcing laws. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/feb/15/new-attorney-general-suella-braverman-in-controversial-buddhist-sect
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