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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. 7 years at 4bht/unit. 5 years at 5bht/unit. The batteries doubled the repayment time (increased the setup costs from 50kbht to 100kbht). But I'm prepping for the Zombie apocalypse where there won't be any grid. I'm just happy to no longer have to worry about the grid going off either for minutes or forever.
  2. My monthly health bill in Thailand is Zero! My monthly electric bill is under 300bht.
  3. The UK was more like that than Thailand. My Thai daughter has more opportunities in Thailand that she would ever have had in the UK.
  4. There's a rather generous pension and even more generous expenses forever. Not to mention a paying seat in the House of Lords. "We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.” (Fight Club)
  5. Happened to me a year or so back. It was COVID filling up my ear between eardrum and nose with mucus. Cleared itself after a couple of weeks, came and went for another week or two after that.
  6. Our women refuse to breed with us, obviously other ethnic groups with more compliant womenfolk will eventually replace us. Not helped by those of us white guys that chose to move to a country with friendlier women. Obviously it's easier to flee than to fight. As for overcrowding, Not IMHO, but the big boys own all the land and won't let anyone build on it. The Crown, forestry commission, the church, National Trust, RSPB et al. once these guys get hold of it, it's permanently out of use for the general population.
  7. When they post a video of Pattaya, I notice the Thai girls, and you notice the fat old white guys. I think that says something about both of us!
  8. It's not a pub, it's an after hours night club. I think I was taken there in 2010 by some girls, lots of people there after the bars in town closed.
  9. It's actually UN policies causing price rises on everything.
  10. Yep, I couldn't pay my pea bill at the weekend using TTB app. Can't use bkb app as their app doesn't recognise pea as a company either. TTB app worked again Sunday afternoon.
  11. Maybe they could also start a campaign against morally flawed world leaders and politicians!
  12. Most of us are old, I doubt I need a place to live for more than 5 years. Then it's death or a care home. I don't think they give people in their 60s and 70s a 30 year home loan, in any country.
  13. I went on holiday to Vietnam 8x between 2018 and 2020. Best holiday destination I've ever been.
  14. My consumption is between 40 and 80 units a month, and that's with a grow tent light running every day.
  15. I always used a cardboard box with a 12v case fan fan mounted either end. One pushing, one pulling. Then put the flowers in a glass jar and allow to breathe on the less humid days until 59-63% humidity,
  16. My brief used say, Never admit anything, I wasn't there, it wasn't me. After 5 years outside the UK, I returned and the police no longer showed any interest in me.
  17. Climate alarmism is not science, it's religion. You just need to believe and have faith.
  18. Can I rent a 3 bed house in the USA for $300/month?
  19. I always define the 'poor' as people that need to work in order to live. So by that definition you're poor and I'm not.
  20. Who cares about your poor choices in house shares?
  21. I don't believe C02 levels are important to world climate (alarmist speculation). C02 levels are important to world vegetation (simple biology). If we reduced C02 levels (like you want) it'd probably cause mass starvation in the world.
  22. The GBPeso is being forced down by unsuitable candidates for pm. 1 a woman 2 a non white Once the uncertainly is over it will rise again as it always does. Now explain the fall of the oz, NZ, can and euro pesos!
  23. Your science is settled, but always wrong. Which seems more like religion than science to me.
  24. Odd that, because in the 1970s those same climate scientists were predicting an approaching ice age. Then we had 'peak oil' ....... didn't happen. Then ozone holes over the poles ........ went away on their own. And NY being underwater by now ....... it isn't. Selective memory? Or deliberate dishonesty?
  25. How many failed climate alarmist predictions must NASA, the UN and their hired goons make before you stop believing them?
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