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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Me too! But then I moved to Thailand as a single retired 50yo Brit guy and discovered sex with attractive willing slim women. Pattaya has everything for the single retired foreign male. Lots of places to buy Brit food, many English speakers. Hua Hin is more suitable for a settled married guy with a Thai family that's been living here a few years.
  2. I have 15x Thai MJ plants currently growing in my garden. Also smoking Lao brick. Not sure where the OP is wandering but it isn't in my village where every home seems to have a few Thai landrace plants growing in their garden. Maybe OP can't find any Thai weed for sale as it is no longer profitable to sell when everyone is growing their own.
  3. Fined for selling without a street traders license. "The fine was reportedly technically for not having general permission to sell products on the street, not cannabis specifically, as cannabis is in a grey area currently law wise."
  4. Same for me, many pals died in their 60s or earlier, a couple made it to 70. At 66, I'm last man standing. Although medical care didn't play any part, died in their sleep or died of cancer. wealthy or poor, UK or Thailand, private or government, made no difference.
  5. How much have you enjoyed your life after age 65?
  6. For those of you that want many western hybrids at almost ZERO cost. You need 1. bucket with a lid (https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3877968807-s14851835737.html) 150bht (this one includes net pots) 2. aquarium air pump + air stones (https://www.lazada.co.th/products/magic-8800-set-2-magic-8800-air-pump-set-i224945627-s343749738.html) 150bht 3. net pots and collars (https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3399576160-s12566860900.html) 90bht 4. a 'mother' plant Fill your bucket with tap water (you can adjust PH6.0 and add small amounts of nutes, calmag if you want) You want the water to touch the bottom of the net pot, (cut any ribs off the bottom of the net pot for ease of removing rooted cuttings) and the bottom of the cutting to be just above the water line. My net pots didn't come with collars, so I cut some bits of foam to hold the cuttings. (Note: don't make the collars so tight they pinch the plant stems) Fit it all together, check the bubbler is making bubbles to cover the water surface. Put your cuttings in the collars, and then in the net pots (trim off excess leaf). Place the whole thing in the daylight (but not in direct sunlight) Wait 5-10 days while it bubbles away, until you feel the roots are dense enough. Transplant into pots and potting soil, not in strong sun for at least a week until new leaves are growing. My 6 cutting bucket has produced 5 rooted clones in the last 5-8 days. When 1 clone is rooted, I just take a new cutting. Way easier than growing from seed, the bucket just needs topping up with a glass of water every 4-5 days. The theory: water bubbles splash the stem of the cutting causing it to grow roots. Warning: your cuttings will go completely limp for the first few hours, but will recover into firm upright plants within 12hrs. Note: the trimmed leaves will die and fall off as the plant roots. Anyone in Chiang Mai want to swap western cuttings/clones PM me. I currently have Bubblegummer, Tropical Punch and will soon have Cheesilicious. I have no interest in Thai plants as I already have too many grown from cheap Thai seeds.
  7. 2 people living in the same place earning 10kbht/month each should be plenty. Obviously if you want to live alone that would be hard.
  8. I pay 250bht/year for refuse collection in MaeJo/SanSai.
  9. They occasionally rip off foreigners on repairs. I had a service and new brakes fitted there once, they didn't tighten the bolts on the front disks which promptly fell out. Apparently this was my fault, and they wanted 5kbht to replace the forks. I went to a local repair shop that charged me 50bht to replace the missing bolts. I now buy my m/cs from the Honda dealer near McCormick Hospital.
  10. Rent for a 2 bed house in Doi Saket should be 5-6kbht/month. Any more and you should just look for some other place.
  11. Rights is always an odd call from western people, As a white middle class male in the UK I appeared to have no rights at all. Which is why I moved to Thailand where I have many more 'rights'. I was also in China for a while, and appeared to have more 'rights' than I did in the UK. I think it's really great to be able to buy direct from China with no tax.
  12. I think the pound will go as low as the Euro, $CAN, $AUS, $NZ. The Thai government is pumping billions into the Baht to try and keep it falling against the $US.
  13. @OP Mould and fungus from the excessive rains.
  14. 1. I have solar and batteries, don't really notice if the grid goes off. 2. We do have water problems, 1/2 a day with low pressure here and there. 3. 8 years with a 'poop tank', never had it pumped out. 4. Flooding, the road outside the moobaan used to flood the road, but my misses had a dam built at the moobaan gates and now the flood just passes our estate by. As for the west, I lived in the South of England in the 1970s rolling power cuts and a 3 day week that seemed to last for months, 1980s, no electricity for 2 weeks when all the trees blew down. Then I lived near Boscastle and watched all the parked cars washed out to sea. All far worse than anything I've encountered in Thailand. I'm thinking Europe will have lots of extreme energy problems this winter that we will never see in Thailand. Do I need to mention the Florida floods a while back, and the Texas power failures last winter?
  15. What opportunities? Considering I'm mid-60s and only have the physical ability to walk 5Km in one go without risking medical problems. Most of the posters on this forum probably don't even have that endurance any more.
  16. Tried both ways. Sprinkling it on the cheese layer before cooking worked best.
  17. Agree, I'm paying 450bht for 100gm of Lao brick. 0.5gm is as much as I can smoke in a day .......... cost 2.25bht.
  18. Doubt you'll get more than 100ah out of those ten year old secondhand batteries. Five months back those batteries were selling for 600bht each.
  19. He's an old guy, needs a bit of support when he bends down ........ Personally, can't see anything wrong in that video. I wouldn't have even thought about it without it being pointed out. It's a bit sad that the UK is a place where men are considered suspect for even touching their own children.
  20. They sell water with a picture of a cannabis leaf on the side of the bottle.
  21. You can buy a run down farmhouse (with a lot of land) in France for under $20,000. Before Brexit ended my right to live there, that was my plan B.
  22. Your choice, Thailand has plenty of 30yo women who would like to live with you and help raise your son. Back in your home country you'd be alone, whether you wanted to be or not.
  23. When I was working, I was paid a fortune, but had no free time to spend it. My lifestyle in Thailand on a pension, is better than I ever managed in the UK earning mega-bucks, and with a far more attractive woman in my bed every night. Sure, when I was 40 I would have liked a sailing boat to circle the world, too old for that now. In my 60s, I need/want less. My jet-setting days are over, no matter how much money I have.
  24. Housing, 9kbht/month to buy a 3 bed house with beautiful views in a quiet area. Women, 10kbht/month to have a much younger woman live with me and pretend to love me. Divorce, in the UK it cost me $1M, here almost nothing. Internet, 650bht/month and no threats for downloading torrents. Mobile phone charges, 1,500bht/year for 24/7 calls and internet. Gas, 350bht for a 15Kg LPG delivered to my home. Electricity, less than 300bht/month. Diesel, petrol a fraction of UK prices. All exceptionally good value compared to the UK.
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