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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I aspire to a world where nobody is ever attacked. But that isn't reality so I have to avoid some places and some activities.
  2. Loads of theme rooms with Jacuzzi in CM ...... 180bht/hr. 5,000bht, I think not.
  3. Pattaya definitely has the best rides.
  4. If you follow the link in the OP and view her photos, you may get some idea of what was really happening between the 'bar host' and the 'model'.
  5. I don't really have any issues. Yearly extensions are annoying, as it's exactly the same info every year. 90 days are irrelevant, CM has a very fast drive through. Life is good!
  6. Who is being asked to pay? If its you, just say no. If its someone else, why are you looking at the bill. Sounds to me like someone is trying to scam you.
  7. You've had three failed marriages to Asian ladies ......... no violence or abuse ....... Yet I'm the bad guy who hates women. Sorry, I couldn't make this stuff up 555!
  8. Holy poop, I know this guy. Him and his wife have been round my home. My family visited his home. Really nice guy, always polite, bought me dinner many times. Asked my woman why I'd not seen him in a while. She said he's in jail and pointed me to this story.
  9. I don't believe I've ever had a relationship with a woman that didn't tell me bad things about a previous lover. Obviously that didn't apply to the women where I was their first, but after it was over they said bad things about me to their next lover. How about you? Did your lovers tell you bad things about their previous lovers? I'm betting they did, and you believed them. I always thought, if true ............ 1. why didn't you leave 2. why didn't you report them to the police? 3. why didn't they get jail time? It's not as if every town in the west doesn't have a women's refuge. Oddly I've never found any men's refuge, but have known many men mistreated by women.
  10. Most men I've known didn't appear to lie in order to pointlessly blacken the name of former lovers.
  11. I don't care if they love me. But I do insist that they serve me.
  12. I've never accused anyone of beating, abusing or raping me. Many women make that sort of accusation all the time to anyone that will listen. Whenever I get that old story I just say, "How long did he spend in jail"
  13. All you need is 1,000bht to impress out here. Keep the Ferrari in LA.
  14. Slightly off topic, I've recently bought an extendable baton. Fits in my man bag, and already used to drive away a dangerous dog. For 120bht nobody should be without one.
  15. Same as Americans, all they do is talk about how much money they are making. I just pick up my bar stool and sit somewhere else.
  16. Would point out the problem wasn't COVID. The problem was the governments locking up the young and healthy. For no good reason as we've nearly all caught COVID despite the restrictions.
  17. That job would normally be 1000-2000bht. I had a water leak under my back porch. Guy and his pal dug out the concrete, replaced the joint and asked for 500Bht (1/2 day). I gave him 1,000. Didn't include replacing the hole in the concrete.
  18. When previously, in the history of man, have people been forbidden to leave their homes or have visitors off and on for nearly two years?
  19. Only the pompous elderly wear sandals ........ I have flip-flops and trainers.
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