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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I thought they bought 65M of Gilts? Which as far as I can see is just a government repaying a loan.
  2. This made me money, was going to transfer 1200GBP on the 1st, but restricted to 650GBP @ 42.2 This aft I transferred the other 550GBP @ 42.7 So I profited by 275bht!
  3. Pound now back to 42.7 ...... slightly higher than it was a month back. Maybe this thread should be closed now?
  4. I assumed the limit would be on until the UK markets opened. 9am UK time, 5pm Thai time.
  5. Small point, Do Oz know what mom's signature looks like?
  6. Both parents needed to get a passport. So he will fail well before immigration.
  7. I enjoy both! (and Cambodian and Vietnamese)
  8. Why would I care if my long term hire objects to my short term hires? If she doesn't like it there are many more ladies available for long time hires! As for extra marital affairs, outside her working hours (dusk till dawn) she can do what she likes and go where she likes.
  9. My largest outside 7ft+ plant (also from my local market) just turned out to be male. I cut it down, the misses collected the leaves for her cooking. The stem and balls went into a sealed bin bag for the dustman to collect.
  10. Pay the money owing on the condition the property is immediately transferred to your wife, but he can live there for the rest of his life. Else walk away, it's not your business. That's what I did for my MiL playing the same game. Any of your wife's brothers/sisters don't need to know. Cost me 100kbht, my wife gained a property worth 500kbht.
  11. And yet ........ guys are boasting about their new car/boat/house/motorcycle/watch when they haven't really done anything special either! And I've had a couple of friends that couldn't successfully hire a hooker in Thailand either (one from Oz, the other from the USA, both 50+yo normal looking virgins). Then another guy from NZ I was drinking with paid a girls barfine, chatted to her for 20 mins, then she handed him his barfine back and said she'd changed her mind. And another couple of times, I was in a bar with pals, a girl would approach me, I'd say I wasn't interested but one of my pals was, and they turned around and just walked off. We were all equal age, equally unattractive. Sometimes life/women just gets weird!
  12. The quote box states your normal transfer amount. If you normally send 500GBP, you see GBP500 in your quote box.
  13. Yes, there's no warning if you send under 28kbht. The pink warning only appears if you enter a higher figure.
  14. Tried to transfer 1000GBP (40kbht) to Thailand after reading the OP this morning ............ doesn't work. The confirm button is 'greyed' out. (and the pink warning originally stated 28kGBP, now changed to 28kbht) Tried again 500GBP (21kbht) .......... button works, no pink warning. So looks like they're limiting their exposure to wild currency swings. Like I said earlier, bet it'll be back to normal on Monday when they aren't risking the W/E '3 day' exposure.
  15. It's 'cos it's the weekend, and they don't want to accept a transfer where the rate they promise is wildly different when they send the money on Monday. Doubt this'll be the case during weekdays.
  16. Lalisa Nursing Home looks good, prices from 25kbht/month. https://www.facebook.com/baanlalisaofficial
  17. Only 0.5bht less than last month. Last month 42.7, this morning 42.2
  18. So they were right about the recovery, just 11 months and 3 weeks out with their timescale!
  19. Hardly communist as it's supported by the Gates Foundation.
  20. Dude, you've got plenty of time. Produced my last one at age 54, he's now 12 and I'm 66. Took in an unwanted 13yo girl from the village last month.
  21. Banged one of them this morning, then got up, drank a couple of wine coolers with my bacon and eggs and began posting on AN. Doubt I'll be showing any interest in women again, until tomorrow morning.
  22. I spent a lot of my money on women/holidays/alcohol/drugs. The rest I just wasted!
  23. Trident and the submarines would be my first choice of cuts. Next would be no welfare without a 40hr work/week (even if it's 'make work'). Leave NATO and the UN, stop all foreign aid, etc. 100% tax rate for those earning over 100kpounds/year. Redistribution of all large landholdings to the people (Royals/Church/Forestry/RSPB/Military/etc)
  24. Agree, he was a total plonker of the 'hooray Henry' brigade. His only good point being he wasn't Teresa.
  25. Two wine coolers with a dawn breakfast of bacon and eggs.
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