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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Most inverters will switch to bypass when overloaded (mine does). So there is a valid reason to use a larger AC breaker on the output than the inverter max load.
  2. I'm not convinced this is the right kind of DC breaker for a battery or the right value. For a 4kW inverter 4000W/48V = 83A ..... so that's the approximate value of the breaker you need. 100A MCB is what I use it cost 156bht delivered ........ but for some reason they want 350bht now. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/dc-air-breaker-electric-car-miniature-circuit-breaker-dc-12v-to-125v-150a-200a-250a-mini-mcb-1pole-single-phase-mcb-i2867374375-s10463770613.html?.
  3. Some people might consider pushing your own personal fantasy and laughing at everyone else's a little bigoted. Climate change is not science, it's religion. How do I know, because all religions have in common ........ 'destroy the unbeliever'. Religions and their followers cannot tolerate dissent. If I choose not to believe in 'climate change' what harm does it do you or any other believer? I generate 90% of my own electricity as an unbeliever, which I'm betting is far more than you do as a believer. But I'm bad for not believing, and you're good even though you do nothing to forward your belief. Making you completely irrational. PS. I am a scientist (UK government retired).
  4. I don't think there is anything Thailand could do to attract wealthy foreigners. They don't need cheap women and housing. I've been to some amazing beaches ....... none of them were in Thailand. I've visited many historical sites/ruins ....... they weren't here either. Food and wine ....... better in many other countries. Safety, ease of entry at airports ...... just no.
  5. At least he seemed to know where he was.
  6. I would consider 'climate change' and 'rising sea levels' in the same basket as 'virgin birth' and 'my girl is different'. Everyone gets to choose their favourite madness/fantasy, and welcome to it. Just don't expect me to share your delusion.
  7. I'd never been in a shopping Mall before I moved to Thailand. Last was Promanada x2, but that was only for the free vaccinations, not shopping. Dreadful place.
  8. I don't think they enter Tower Hamlets either. When I lived in Oxford there were a few no-go zones as well.
  9. I always let 'them' take me to court ........ 'they' usually lose and pay significant costs. Small claims twice, mobile phone companies lost both times (my costs ZERO). Magistrates court once, Law Society lost (my costs ZERO). Police, spent 120,000GBP in costs, settled out of court, only paid half the compensation I wanted (my costs were ZERO). Convictions against private citizens are really hard to get, no need to fear court cases. And in the rare cases you lose, plead poverty and get ordered to repay 1GBP/month (or a weeks community service).
  10. Normal 4 door car with boot. (Not a hatchback, pickup, SUV, etc)
  11. I didn't know Isuzu made m/cs? Another sad road death, poor woman.
  12. I've always defined 'rich' as not having to work, and not being wiped out if you lost the ability to work.
  13. ........ assuming they have any takers ........... I'm thinking almost nobody would be interested. The compulsory health insurance is a deal killer for me, no matter what the other requirements.
  14. And once they have put everyone else out of business, they will raise their fees to 40%.
  15. Buy new ........ not expensive (1,250bht delivered) https://www.lazada.co.th/products/nano-plus-14-rcbo-50a-63a-12-kerry-i2323214425-s7850510554.html
  16. How would anyone do that? The police in the UK never managed to find where I was living ..... and they were definitely looking.
  17. Proof of life forms is another disadvantage ....... did you forget that one? Not being able to use the NHS is another disadvantage ....... did you forget that one too?
  18. Today CO2 = 400ppm, Cambrian Period CO2 = 4,000ppm Almost all life as we know it developed in the Cambrian Period, and it was really really green. More CO2 means more plants and bigger crops, plants feed on CO2.
  19. would point out, It's the left wing demanding we give up our industry, power generation and private transport.
  20. Bribing IO is cheaper in Issan, agent gets a bigger cut.
  21. I've never noticed any difference, all bacon is good!
  22. I never had a problem, walked all over Manila late at night, everyone very polite.
  23. We all told you, but you knew best .............
  24. If these statistics were true ...... Thai student average IQ 100, 10.4% above IQ 130 ....... According to the bell curve, that would mean more than 10.4% of Thai students would have an IQ below 70 ....... According to US statistics, only 2% of their population have an IQ below 70, making Thais 5x more stupid than Americans. Amazing Thailand, now we know where they get all those generals.
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