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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Dude, just watch the Thai news on TV. Do you remember Colin (poty), in a wheelchair from a hit and run outside his house, then posting about one of his neighbours hacking another to death over who was buying the next beer. You must be walking around with your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears singing lalalalala .........
  2. Yeah, best to keep thoughts like his to yourself, but I can't really state anything he said was incorrect or untrue.
  3. I thought his rant was fairly accurate! (If slightly inarticulate)
  4. I think Thais probably top the list for random assaults, murder and domestic violence.
  5. I'm not even sure that climate change (if it's happening) is a bad thing. I'd quite like the UK to be bit warmer!
  6. Not relevant! As I pay when the goods are in my hand. Same as a cash transaction. The shop owner is responsible for the staff.
  7. Don't think I've encountered any Thai that won't accept qr payment, all the market stalls, roadside stalls and shop have their qr code prominently displayed. And if they didn't I'd ask "sakan Mai".
  8. It's complete and utter rubbish. Downloaded ep 1&2, watched 1, will delete 2.
  9. The mortgage on my her 3 bed house in Thailand (gated community) is $250/month (10kbht). I look at your low cost $1000 US housing and quiver in fear!
  10. You scan the QR code, show the shop-keeper the name on the screen (check or enter the amount) and ask 'is this you?' Now explain to me how there can be fraud or theft?
  11. I would define scam as paying a 400bht bill with a 1000bht note, and being given 100bht change ............... "no, you gave me a 500bht note". Probably the most common taxi/bar scam in Thailand. How many times a day can you afford to lose a tenner?
  12. Seemed to be 'I gave you 1000' sort of disagreement. Which was why he was saying 'show me what I paid you with'
  13. I certainly didn't make any such commitment to my current wife.
  14. Repositioning the security camera sounds like murder to me! As you say, anyone could have sent the messages.
  15. Guy was lying, 1 in 5 Brit police have a gun secured in the boot of their car.
  16. BritManToo


    I thought it was Aboriginals country?
  17. Yeah, me too! This month's use up from 66 to 89 units. That's 355bht to pay.
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