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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Agree, but I prefer my 25Km cycle (with a bit of electric assistance) that gets me out of the house meeting other cyclists, and seeing the local wildlife. I find exercise without travel, a bit of a chore. Like the OP said, you've got to keep moving!
  2. Total BS, almost everything you post is deceptive or worthless. I remember the good old days when you were one of the greatest posters on this forum an POTY, but around 3 years back there was Yinn .......... how the mighty have fallen.
  3. Thought it was quite amusing, and I've known several guys go exactly that way, all dead now (it was always the 10bht shots rice whiskey that got them). Best to realise in life nothing really matters except your money, so take care of it.
  4. One could ask how many warnings have you received? But that would be off topic. Deliberately mixing state pension with means tested benefits isn't exactly honest. Especially as every link you post is about means tested benefits and not the state pension.
  5. As non residents can't open new UK bank accounts, you won't be getting a pension either. Can you imagine the banks trying to process 13M new accounts for pensioners, many of whom can't even remember their own names? What complete and utter nonsense you're writing, get some help!
  6. If no letters are written to pension recipients on January 2025 will you promise never to post on this forum again? ........ or are you not that confident in your understanding (aka lying).
  7. Yes, renaming it means starting the process again in the commons.
  8. I've always had a standalone bank account in the UK for 'money laundering'. No need to open another one.
  9. According to the link, still no action since 24 April 2024, so hard to see how they can start investigations (on means test benefits) in 6 weeks time. 1st reading in the commons, then house of Lords, 2nd reading in the commons ........ more like 2 years than 6 weeks.
  10. Yep, @roo860 was right, more nonsense. Better I start a thread on 'online stalking' where you can really demonstrate your expertise.
  11. It's unclear what entry/exit information the UK government currently record, but if you left the UK more than 5-10 years back they had nothing.
  12. Only relevant to pensioners claiming means tested benefits. For those only claiming State Pension where no yearly information submissions are required, and your only claim is made at the start of your pension entitlement age, it's not relevant. It's also not relevant to those on means tested benefits that take all their pension out of their bank account every 4 weeks. If you pay cash for everything, there's not that much data on your monthly 'outgoings' for them to collect and examine. But I'd be interested in knowing what means tested benefits you claim, as it seems to be of great concern to you ....... I hope you're not on the fiddle!
  13. Strange that such a 'high value' man would choose to mix with such 'losers'.
  14. Only if he removed all the Obama judges first.
  15. I wouldn't call 16 and up 'very young'.
  16. I agree with you, Australia and America are made by immigrants, ship them all there. Europe is already completely settled and doesn't need any more.
  17. Rome fell because of too many immigrants and allowing immigrants to participate in the Senate. Letting foreigners own your countries land is also a problem.
  18. Drive through in Chiang Mai takes around 30 seconds. They now also have a walk through window that also takes around 30 seconds.
  19. Hard to do when the Dems are firing missiles at Russia.
  20. My 13yo has always refused to go out into the world, he's been free to wander our gated village since age 5, but prefers to lay on his bed with his phone and tablet within easy reach. I would have probably made the same choices when I were a lad, if the technology had been available.
  21. Is it better than HBO/MAX which costs me 35bht/month?
  22. And you're still with her? And you still have contact with your son? I would have walked away from them both, no contact ever again.
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