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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It's always the wall end. Never seen a failure at the equipment end.
  2. Aren't the power stations all oil fired? Won't electricity go up soon?
  3. "Be Prepared For A Fuel Shortage" Don't care, since COVID I've gone nowhere, and 7-11/BigC/Tesco is 500m from my front door. If I don't cycle, I can walk. Electricity shortages, Don't care either, I'm almost entirely solar powered now. Not enough for the shower heaters or air-con, but we can live without them.
  4. I've found women's 'normal psychological profile' to vary from mildly unpleasant to violent and insane.
  5. It's usually the socket not making good electrical contact with the plug that's the problem. The sockets don't last forever, extension lead sockets wear out very quickly.
  6. I've just replaced many of my sockets with Chang PCH-904N sockets and they're really good.
  7. Hard to even buy solar panels in Thailand at the moment. I've been trying to buy 1 for the last 2 weeks without success.
  8. From Shopee, there's only 3 active balancers on sale, 1.2a, 2a, and 5a. The 5a is totally slammed by the young battery builder on Youtube.
  9. So at the problem solving stage ......... Battery has one cell that drops to 2.5V (BMS cut-off) when the other 15 cells are still at 3V. Thought I'd try an active balancer ..... 850bht, 2A max balance to try and even things out. So the balancer has an LED to show when each cell is being balanced. After the batteries are charged ....... no LEDs are on as the cells are within 0.010V of each other. When the batteries are empty ....... 6 LEDS on, as some cells are O.350V different. Sort of works, but the LEDs lock on and the board is hot. 6 hours later the LEDs are still locked on, the cells are back to 0.010v difference, and the board is still HOT. Only way to get the LEDs off is to pull the plug, and reconnect. After investigating on the net (Youtube) it seems the consensus is the active balancers are worthless. Mine is going in the bin, nothing else in my system gets hot apart from this piece of junk. Now ordered 2 more cells, hopefully one of the two will not discharge quickly like my 'bad cell No. 14' does. Overall my experience with the second hand CALB cells is unsatisfactory. Now I can monitor my energy usage it appears the 200AH @48V battery only actually stores 5.5kWhr of usable energy, which is way below the 8-9kWhr I wanted from them.
  10. They all have a price. My woman claims Lakorn stars and Famous singers also have a price. She also adds ........ 'too expensive for you' ..... to her claims. Which is OK with me, I never have a problem buying the 'marked down' goods from supermarkets.
  11. If I could go back ........ I'd, 1. not get married or cohabit in the western world. 2. buy 10,000 pounds of Microsoft shares in 1990. 3. Travel to Asia for frequent 'temple and beach meditation' holidays. As for my sex life, the past 12 years living in Asia, I've had as much as I wanted, sometimes more than I wanted, with a selection of slim attractive women in their early 30s. Which is pretty amazing for a fairly poor, fat, bald, ugly guy with zero personality in his 50s/60s.
  12. Gotta laugh @ you woke young guys, Who have it 100% wrong, and are just waiting to lose your homes and pensions. Women are never your friends (unless you're gay of course).
  13. You didn't ask the monks! And as a white guy I was entirely happy with her vowing to serve me.
  14. I use Zyxel 'cos they're cheap as chips (3400bht) ... don't ever do a firmware upgrade though (it breaks the Twonky server). https://www.lazada.co.th/products/nas-zyxel-2-bay-nas326-marvell-armada-380-13ghz-ddr3-512-mb-i141780767-s163073561.html
  15. Termites even ate my 'plastic' wood effect flooring, the bathroom plasterboard ceiling, and the bathroom door frame.
  16. I'd be more worried about the termites eating it.
  17. Agree, You only need to look at the photo of him in the OP to see he's a heart attack waiting to happen.
  18. All my life the deal was they provided the sex and I provided the money. As long as I handed over the agreed amounts of money ......... I can't see how I could be blamed for anything that went wrong. A deal's a deal .... right?
  19. I doubt I'd do fine if forced to return to the UK, housing prices are extreme everywhere. I could probably afford a rural farmhouse in France though ...... if only we hadn't left the EU!
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