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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I do nothing, as it appears to me to be fear for fears sake. I don't even have AV running on my PC. No banking on my PCs, let them hack away.
  2. Got 3 inside my 2x NAS, they've been working for 6+ years. And weren't new even then.
  3. Would point out only you are the only immigrant posting on this forum. The rest of us posters are just here on holiday, and as such it's not our place to report crimes unless we are the victims of the crime. Not my country, not my business.
  4. When they try that on me I just tell them if I took more care of my teeth, they'd be out of work. Just imagine the outrage if you tried to tell a Thai how to do something ...... anything!
  5. I just use external 4TB WD drives plugged into the USB ports of my NAS, 2800bht. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/wd-my-passport-4tb-black-usb-30-hdd-25-wdbpkj0040bbk-wesn-external-harddisk-harddrive-i3039495925-s11144194250.html Drag and drop magnet or torrent files ........ Then playback through Kodi.
  6. Back to the OP, only desperate women are looking for middle aged men. Even Roosh V couldn't score any 'free ones' after he hit 40.
  7. She's not cheating you ......... you've just overpaid! And it's not as if you're short of money and the overpaying has hurt you financially.
  8. If you were that good you would have been the doctor and not a nurse.
  9. See what your panels actually produce, fit the real numbers to your inverter numbers. My GTI said max PV max OC 45V, 1000w. My panels said max OC 46V, 320w ............. but actually produced 46V at under 200W. 5 panels in parallel @ 320w worked perfectly for 2 years ............. (they never reached more than 800w) A local Thai builder saw my setup, copied me without asking, 2 panels in series = 90V puff of smoke and burning smell.
  10. You do realise that the 'pins' are just a money extraction ploy by the medical profession. Almost nobody needs metal inserts .......... I snapped my arm completely in half when a bit younger, no pins, no metal rods, healed as good as new. As did many of my pals with broken bones in m/c and other accidents. An old Dutch chap (70+ years old) fell off his m/c last year in Mae Rim and broke his hip. My woman sorted it out at the local government hospital for the price of the government minimum insurance (15-20kbht?). Then she put him in Lalisa nursing home to recover for a month ....... total cost to him 25kbht for the nursing home. It was actually cheaper than him living on his own for the month.
  11. Shining Vale, new TV series, Courtney Cox reprises 'Scream' as a potty mouthed post wall possessed middle aged housewife. Surprisingly good so far, the script writers must have really worked had to fit in so much swearing!
  12. My council tax in the UK was more than my mortgage repayments in Thailand.
  13. I doubt that 1 in 50 people would ever attend hospital with worse than a broken arm (15kbht). I'm playing those odds, so far 13 years in Thailand with medical bills of under 20kbht. How much has your medical insurance cost you in the last 13 years?
  14. I love my NAS, I have 2 ........ they even download all the torrents I want while my PC is turned off. I've about 8TB of storage on them.
  15. Americans are the only country in the world to obsess about health insurance. Most people I know from other countries just don't bother with insurance of any kind. It's unnecessary for most people, at 66 I've rarely had it, and never needed it. Why would he need a retirement VISA? I don't have one of those either, and if I didn't have Thai kids, I'd probably just float around the easy Asian countries. 3 months in Malaysia, 3 months Cambodia, 3 months Philippines ....... I probably wouldn't even visit Thailand. It's not as if there's a significant difference between Thailand and the surrounding countries. And if you really must stay in one country, Cambodia and the Philippines will do at around $300/year, no other finances required. PS. I've never dreamed of living in a 3rd world rural village (your video link). Utter madness IMHO.
  16. Better to put in a hot tub for sex, then just use a local pool for swimming, 40bht a swim.
  17. In the end I have to admit I just don't like working. Even when I worked as a Scuba instructor it soon became a chore, and I quickly decided to work as little as possible, for as much as possible, then retire as soon as possible. I only worked 10 years in a job I didn't like (for big money) , then retired age 45. I can't see anything wrong with this guys dreams, he's already waited too long. He should give it a go while he still has a bit of his health left. If you want to talk about his failure, IMHO it's waiting until he's 65 to do what he wants with his life.
  18. If the dog has bitten children it shouldn't be alive to do it again.
  19. I've known 3 guys that drank themselves to death In CM, all under 50, all Dutch.
  20. Met loads in Thailand ........ falling down drunk by lunch time every day. Mostly dead now, youngest died age 38 from liver failure.
  21. Mainland Vintage Cheddar 265bht for 500gm in Makro. Can't beat the taste! Horeka Cheddar (plastic American block) 325bht for 1Kg in Makro. OK in sandwiches or burgers.
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