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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I would call that person a thief, I wouldn't call him cheap. But then again, Thai women often tell lies in order to make foolish foreigners feel the need to give them money. I rarely pay attention to women's stories of 'bad man cheated/did me wrong'.
  2. You can't sell anything on AN unless it's in the classified section, or you're a sponsor. How long have you been a member that you haven't noticed that?
  3. Never tried to grow that ......... at 5 quid for a big name fem seed from Attitude claiming 20% THC, that I can clone 100x, why would anyone waste their time growing anything less? I did go along to MaeJo University to see if I could buy a few 30bht female clone seedlings for the garden, just as an experiment, but they have stopped selling those now.
  4. Never had one plant that was germinated from a 'fem' or 'auto' seed that wasn't exactly as advertised. And I don't class myself as an experienced or expert grower.
  5. I don't see any deceit, prices clearly advertised at 700bht/gm (-10% discount to AN members). No more expensive than any other of the 'official' shops as far as I can see.
  6. MJ is the first subject where Prayut has beaten Thaksin. And if Thaksin wants to go against it, he'll see his popularity falling big time. Even little old grannies in the village want MJ leaves to put in their soup and stews.
  7. I've found booze and cannabis cheaper in Vietnam, but accommodation and hookers more expensive. If you're a drunk pot-head, Vietnam will probably be cheaper than Thailand.
  8. Says a 2 week millionaire. Calling people 'cheap' is an indefensible position, the price advertised is the only price anyone needs to pay. If you want to pay more than the advertised price, I'll call that 'stupid'.
  9. Been in Asia 12 years, banged loads of ladies (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines), never with protection. Didn't catch anything. Western 'anti-sex' scare mongering has always been a problem. Would point out sex in the western world is much more risky. 1. You/they can't buy antibiotics over the counter. 2. She might report you for rape.
  10. Part of the 'anti-sex' western government programme. Superbugs kill blah blah ............ never heard of anyone being killed by the clap.
  11. I know lots of Thai people with more money than me. I never tip anyone for anything (excluding ladies that provide extra services). State your price, and I'll decide if I want the product/service or not. If you want more, ask for more right at the start. If you're an employee who feels you don't get paid enough, look for another job.
  12. Totally wet in MaeJo this month, rain nearly every day ........... that's only 10Km from CM moat.
  13. My littlest 'free run' house rabbit ate my 'Cheeselicious' (Attitude) in the night ...... little monster. OG Kush (Shopee) just raised it's head after 3 days. Now I have to find somewhere in the house she can't jump or climb, which isn't easy.
  14. It would be against forum rules to say as that would be an illegal activity.
  15. I also did that, but they didn't need to know where I lived to do it. All done using phone calls (Skype UK landline phone number), emails and bank transfers.
  16. My first Thai live in gf used to charge 40,000bht/weekend back in 2009. (worked the expensive hotels in Chiang Mai through an escort service) Sadly I had to get rid, as her previous customers would arrive in Thailand and call her, and she wasn't about to turn down 40kbht+ for 2 nights and an all expenses paid holiday in Phuket/Krabi/etc. Lovely girl, ended up married to an old Dutch guy who built her a resort just outside of Chiang Mai.
  17. Please post a link to any research that suggests smoking cannabis causes cancer. https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/does-smoking-marijuana-cause-cancer If cannabis had exactly the same cancer risk as tobacco, 'But there’s something else we’ve learned from decades of tobacco research: The dose makes the poison. And people don’t typically smoke cannabis at the same levels as they do tobacco.'
  18. I live in a Thailand where nobody tips anybody ......... except for 'extra' services. No foreigners near me.
  19. You can assume there won't be any fuel, so I hope its got oars or sails.
  20. My woman was a hunter/forager in her early years, they ate what they could find in the jungle. We're still only 2Km from the jungle, but what she finds is not something I'd choose to eat.
  21. Eggs last a long time 1 year +, if you rub them with an oily rag before storing. Then they last even longer pickled.
  22. I have 1/2 dozen 12cm computer case fans dotted around the tent (run from a 12v phone charger). This grow was 32-35c most days, sometimes up to 40c. The LED driver sits on top of the tent (not inside), and on most days I just leave the tent open, I only close it at night when flowering. A bit later, the 2 autos in the middle (front Amnesia, rear White Widow) got moved outside the tent, and the 2 plants either side (Critical Orange Punch) became a 'Screen of Green'. It all got a bit too big ........... Hand watered once every day with nutrient solution adjusted to PH6 (ish). About 20-30 minutes off work, once a day.
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