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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It's been 8 days running now, I've been generating 7kWhr and using 8kWhr/day (from 7x 320w solar cells + grid) on my lights/sockets/entertainment. (excluding cooking/Aircon/showers/washing mc) Bit of a gap between 5am (battery runs out) and 9am (solar cells generating). I need a bit more battery, and two more solar cells before I'm satisfied. Thinking of buying another 16 s/h cells and making my battery 16s2p to double my storage without buying another BMS .......... but that would cost another 24Kbht (Sinopoly) which is a tad expensive. Thinking of buying another 2 x 345w solar cells 7,100bht. The 14kbht inverter works very well so far, a bit lacking in the data reporting, but 100% in doing the job. Glad I bought cheap, I didn't have any of the problems that the expensive equipment buyers keep reporting. 2 more CALB cells arriving today, to replace the 1 duff cell I have. Spend so far Inverter 13k5, batteries 34k, solar cells 22k = 70k Extra spend I'm trying to justify solar cells (2) 7k1, batteries (14) 21k.
  2. Not having WHO owned by China might have been a good first step.
  3. Hey, but you admit you had a few fantastic years ......... Most of my pals in the UK had ZERO fun years, and almost ZERO sex. Dude, you're a winner in the game of life, I doubt anyone enjoys the tail end of their life much.
  4. I'd try Siem Reap in Cambodia, Garden Village Guest House is a huge gathering spot for Israeli backpackers who have just finished their military service. Or at least it was before COVID hit.
  5. I never really had any aims/wants/ambitions, and just drifted through life. Sure I did the 'famous people' bit in London from age 23-45, it wasn't that exciting. What was exciting was my 'Asian hooker' period from age 52-66 where I drifted aimlessly around Thailand/Cambodia/Philippines banging a random assortment of 30 year old females. But even that's become dull now.
  6. Long COVID made them too stupid to put wrist tags on their patients?
  7. Me first! Best not to watch (world) news of any kind, then you won't be concerned or worried. Tangmo is about the limit of my interest in the (local) news ....... and the generals son crashing his Porsche ...... and other things that don't really worry me at all.
  8. Sounds more like the installer doesn't know how to install a 3 phase inverter. PS 7.5 kwh solar system doesn't mean anything. Did you mean 20x 400w solar panels?
  9. I believe it's tied to the days before DNA testing could prove parentage. In the good old days only the woman really knew who the father was, and sometimes not even then. So a 'pure and innocent' woman was considered more likely to bear kids of identifiable heritage. Odd that in these modern times a DNA test isn't automatically done before the issuing of a birth certificate.
  10. Not true, Lifepo4 batteries (3.2V @ 200Ah) are almost double on AliExpress. 16x Lazada/Shopee = 24,000bht 16x AliExpress = 1,000GBP (43,000bht)
  11. Before COVID I was having 4+ foreign holidays a year, lots of trips to coffee shops/bars. Since COVID I've had ZERO foreign holidays and outings. Dumped my Gik (saving 2000bht/week). And my mortgage repayments have dropped from 11kbht/month to 9kbht/month. .............. I'm quids in.
  12. I suspect he'll get a very small/token/suspended sentence. Having sex with another mans wife is considered a serious crime in Thailand. As it is in Muslim countries.
  13. I'd say this was a plain and simple lie. Can't imagine any backpackers doing the 'Thai pass' nonsense, paying the extra insurance, risking 100kbht COVID prison when there are other countries easier to enter.
  14. Recently I've just lost the urge for strange. Maybe it's an effect of long term Covid?
  15. At age 66, I've actually had enough and just do it with my live in woman. When I came here age 52, I did it so much it almost dropped off.
  16. Would point out if everyone drove a m/c and cars were banned, there'd be no oil shortages ever. My daughters Honda 150i gets 50-60Km/ltr.
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