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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Generally they seem to want 100,000bht for installation.
  2. And yet I never lacked for female company in PP or SR. Sit at a table alone, 5 minutes later not alone. SR, glass of beer 50c, cocktails $1, bag of cannabis $10. PP, slightly more expensive, that same glass of beer on a rooftop riverside bar 75c.
  3. Agree, The only happy marriages are the ones where one partner dies (early) before they become unhappy. If you're really lucky, you'll also have a big life insurance on the dead partner, making you even happier.
  4. I'd say not worthwhile. There are many easier places to move with similar pricing/culture/women/climate. I'm only here because of the baggage I've accumulated. If I were free and clear I'd probably give Mauritius a look, and if that didn't work out Cambodia or the Philippines. The Filipinos certainly seem to like foreigners more than the Thais.
  5. When the IRA blew up the Brighton Conservative conference, the MPs soon changed their minds.
  6. The lady of the lake ...... her arm clad in purest shimmering samite ......... etc.
  7. 1. Since always ........... 10% from employee (limited), and 10% from employer (unlimited). Employers aren't charitable institutions you're the one that really pays it all. 2. I earned was paid a lot more than you.
  8. Please post link to evidence or reports of this ever happening ..... or be accused of deliberately posting misinformation.
  9. Pensioners living in the UK are not required to complete a 'certificate of life' ever. So a pointless (if not ignorant) paragraph in your post.
  10. I go every 3 months to the local Thai government hospital. Takes all morning, so I take my kindle, 7-11 across the road, no big discomfort/effort to me. Usually 250bht including 3 months of meds. Another 200-250bht per item if I need blood tests or urine tests which I normally don't. Less than I'd spend on parking at my local NHS hospital.
  11. Don't think anyone looks. Last time I went back to get a new passport, I did it in person. Hand over old passport at the window upstairs, collect new and old passport 2hrs later downstairs. Not much time to open a passport as they were handling hundreds of passports an hour. Apart from at the airport, I've always claimed not to have a passport as I've never been abroad. No need to tell anyone your business.
  12. For the pensioners in the Brit village where I lived, socialising was Friday morning 'drop in' at the village hall. No charge at all, free biscuits, tea and warmth ............. I know, I would attend now and again as part of my public duties.
  13. The freezing of YOUR state pension. I've never let anyone know where I live so mine isn't frozen (and the police can't find me).
  14. Two points, 1. Expats don't have MPs. 2. If I were to write to someone, they might start to think I was living outside the UK (and reduce my pension). Best to keep your head down and say nothing IMHO.
  15. Some odd thoughts for you ................... I paid 3 types of taxes in the UK 1. Income tax 40% (for the state to use as they wished) 2. NI 20% of my income (health care and state pension). 3. Council tax (local roads/education/local government). That's more than 1/2 my income for the past 50 years. How the government manages my taxes is really not my concern, as long as they have enough to pay what they owe me. If they choose to overspend, that doesn't relieve them of their financial responsibilities towards me. PS, I never used the National health system, I paid for nothing. My employer also provided me with Private health insurance (I paid tax on that too), which I never used.
  16. Or maybe you just mix with a lower class of person ............ My parents traveled around France and Spain for 3 months a year (1960s/70s/80s). My grandfather went to kill natives in Africa 1880s/90s. My great grandfather killed many in the second Ashanti war (1860s). My relatives are spread all over Canada/South Africa/New Zealand. My family motto ...... Join the army, travel the world, encounter many different cultures, kill them and take their lands.
  17. As long as I'm paying my taxes, I don't feel the Brit government has any right to know where, or with whom, I live.
  18. Was he French or British? Story confused me, maybe I'm suffering from Alzheimer's as well.
  19. The divorce judge gave my house to the woman who used to be my wife. I played no part in the decision.
  20. Full UK state pension is currently 179 pounds/week. Don't know how the OP got 185 pounds/week nearly 7 years back. They're currently thinking of raising the state pension age to 70. Imagine working as a lorry driver when you're 69 years old!
  21. Economic dependence is a factor in 90% of British marriages. Without it, there wouldn't be a relationship either. Briffault's Law.
  22. Maybe ....... but unless the send them DHL/Fedex they no longer have a delivery system. I'm not convinced their ICBMs ever worked in the first place, but now they're just holes in the ground filled with rusty worthless junk. America always 'bigs' up their enemies in an attempt to justify their own excessive military budget. But it's all just propaganda.
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