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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I always thought love was an instant animal 'out of control' thing. And if you needed time to think about it, then it wasn't love.
  2. I've found sitting in a bar and letting women approach me solves all those problems. I've been completely passive in 'dating' since 2010. Asia is different, and the women aren't passive.
  3. Nowhere to live. 600 pounds a month for a room in a UK shared house Vs 300 pounds a month to buy a Thai 3 bedroom house.
  4. "Are we better off ignoring the news" I've not watched any news since 2001 ......... none of it matters to me.
  5. None of my pensions are frozen. I have more income now than I've had since 2001 when I stopped working.
  6. I could, but I'd have to work, and I'd be cold all the time. I don't expect to live past 70 ...... no need for insurance when you're dead.
  7. Not true, All women turn away from sex in their 40s/50s. When their womb stops working, they stop having sex. It's not religion but biological programming.
  8. When you understand Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Paul McCartney, Robin Williams, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos have also been paying big time for sex, you begin to understand it's all stacked against us 'normal guys'.
  9. I would say QR codes has removed much of the need for cash. Last year I would see neighbours paying cash for deliveries, this year they all use their phones.
  10. If you can work from home, your job is probably just 'make work'.
  11. Women are never free, Even the pool boy has to bang much older women, then when he reaches 40 is too poor to attract a woman. The most 'free' any of us can hope for is the occasional 'drunk club slut bang', but if you meet her again it'll cost you. This is true for women anywhere in the world ....... essentially they're all looking for a free house/food/labour, in exchange for limited sex.
  12. I find Thai strawberries almost as inedible (small/hard/white/bitter) as Thai bananas (short/fat/sickly sweet). Your standards must be considerably different to mine. Thai fruit just isn't all that good IMHO. I hardly eat any.
  13. Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries have been available in Sainsburys/Tesco all year round for around 2.50/bag (120bht) for years. I never considered them a luxury and I've never seen anything available like this in Thailand. Until this year Cavendish bananas weren't easily available in Thailand either, Thai bananas I feed my rabbits as they taste awful ..... not fit for human consumption IMHO.
  14. There were only 3-5 vaccinations given to children in the 50s and 60s. More like 20 now. You're suggesting if 2 paracetamol are good, 30 paracetamol must be better. Not to mention the polio vaccine actually worked.
  15. Ordered a kitchen cabinet from Lazada COD (weight around 15kg). Today courier attempted to deliver a small soft package (size and weight of a T-shirt). I refused delivery and didn't pay.
  16. Pattaya is cheap, if you can't afford that .......... Hua Hin is nice, Siam Reap also, Barretto in the Philippines (nice beach) But the money requirement for Thailand is too much, if I wasn't here, I wouldn't be coming. Hanoi is about the worst place I've been, serious uptightness, I preferred Da Nang (great beach) and Saigon (serious party).
  17. Longest I managed was a week, before some woman moved in. I envy men who can say NO and mean NO.
  18. I didn't read that, I think you're projecting your problems/prejudices onto the rest of the world.
  19. I've just drifted through life reacting to what other people/governments have done to me. I accept I have no power over anything, but also accept no responsibility for anything. I have no say over my children, I accept my wife's dictats or will be divorced and asset stripped. (It's already happened once, so I know the reality) As a middle class white man, I have no say over anything. As a middle class white man I also accept no responsibility for anything. Global warming/climate change ....... nothing to do with me. Social unrest/lawlessness ....... nothing to do with me. Teenage pregnancy ......... it wasn't me banging them.
  20. Are you suggesting the doctors and nurses aren't vaccinated? Or the vaccinations didn't work? Or the doctors and nurses aren't masked and social distancing?
  21. No, I'm vaccinated, I foolishly believed the lies that vaccination would let me regain my personal freedoms. But here I am, still having to wear a mask, social distance, take tests to fly, buy insurance I don't need, kids at home. Fool me once ..............
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