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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. You're wrong. I lost control of this Lemon Kush (planted in Feb), grew too large for my tent so I just left it sitting in front of the window to do what it liked. In May it flowered, and in July I harvested it. Still in veg.
  2. You will need, cannabis, king size rolling papers (25bht for 32), cone roller (99bht), grinder (40bht), some card, scissors, chopstick. Papers x6 https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2327522653-s7869557583.html Cone roller https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2875116176-s10494415724.html 1. Gather you 'gear' together on a flat surface. 2. Grind your flowers, picking out any stem. 3. Cut out enough card to roll a filter (Typhoo Tea box is perfect). 4. Roll your filter and push into the end of the cone roller. 5. Roll your paper around filter and cone roller, glued strip out. 6. Wet the glue lightly (too much will wipe the glue off) and stick down. 7. Hold the filter and wiggle it out of the cone roller, the cone will come with it. 8. Sprinkle a SMALL pinch of ground weed in the cone and tamp down with the chopstick (too much and it will jam half way down). 9. Repeat with larger pinches of weed until 1/8 inch of paper is exposed (5-10 pinch and tamp). 10. pinch the exposed paper closed, and twist to seal. 11. Place with your other joints and store in an airtight glass jar. Please note, for medicinal use only. 1gm total weight per joint, Amnesia in blue, Red Diesel in red.
  3. Buy some Jiffy pellets from Lazada (10bht each or less), get your seeds. 1. Drop your dry Jiffy pellet in a bowl of water for 5-10 mins. 2. Tip out the excess water. 3. Cut out the little circle on the top to reveal the planting medium. 4. Dig a hole in the middle of the circle about 2cm deep using a toothpick. 5. Use tweezers to put your seed in the hole pointy end down. 6. Cover the hole with planting medium, scrape it over with your toothpick. 7. Place in a small, dark container (I've used an empty paracetamol tub propped up with gravel) 8. Close the top and put in a warm place, open and look every day (usually within 3-5 days). 9. Plant into a bigger pot when the seedling head pops up. No need to water, the seed and the wet Jiffy pellet contain everything needed for the seed to germinate and the first two leaves to sprout.
  4. And it's still pouring down at 8:30am at MaeJo/SanSai, surprised there isn't any flooding. Bit of thunder and lightning in the distance. Never seen it like this before in dry season. At least it'll wash the smog away.
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