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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Depends on the expat. I'm in the top 0.1% of the worlds intelligence. If I were only average (or less), I might need more input from my betters. Sadly, many of the 'lesser ability' posters assume everyone is at the same level as themselves.
  2. Lemme see ........... Can't see any way to ever own a home. No degree = no job, and the course fees will leave them with 20 years of debt. Limited access to sex, little chance of marriage and kids. Pension age being pushed up (will soon be age 70 in the UK), work until you die. Air travel finished due to COVID, personal freedom limited for same reason. Things look pretty bleak to young people at the moment.
  3. According to the Singapore stats (recently posted in another thread) there seems to be almost no consequences to the under 50s.
  4. A disease that's so dangerous/deadly ........ you need a test kit to know if you have it!
  5. I've got a 150A BMS, which can handle 300A for 5s. Not sure the battery cables were that good, so had max charge/discharge at 50A. Nothing got hot so I've upped it to 75A. I'll try that for a couple of days, and if still not hot I might try 100A. Trying not to burn my house down!
  6. https://cdn.shopifycdn.net/s/files/1/0530/3799/0070/files/VM-PLUS-3.2KW-5.5KW-HYBRID-SOLAR-INVERTER-CHARGER-USER-MANUAL.pdf
  7. Sadly there's no setting for max battery discharge in the inverter.
  8. Finished the wiring .......... Upstairs main bedroom, spare bedrooms, living room and a double kitchen socket on solar. Two shower heaters, bedroom air-con, and kitchen remain on grid. The wiring was a bit of an effort the two bedroom fuses shared a neutral ..... are they allowed to do that? Tried cooking dinner on solar, the battery flipped out at 50A, my fault had set max discharge to 50A in the BMS. Upped it to 75A, nothing 'hot' so far. Looks like the inverter takes all the PV power available, then tops it up with battery (or grid if battery can't cope). Will have to investigate inverter settings, and see if I can set a maximum batter draw. The BMS just cuts the battery off if the max discharge is reached, which isn't that useful.
  9. First time in my life I have no indigestion/discomfort. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2499065615-s8831241291.html One tablet every evening, or one when you feel a bit iffy. Works a treat!
  10. 6-7 years if you use batteries, totally legal. 3 years if you use Grid Tie (and turn your meter backwards), but usually illegal. Like everything big business has you by the balls. But if you're a prepper planning for TEOTWAWKI you need batteries. Because when TSHTF there will be no grid. Better buy that 45Kg sack of rice as well. No point in having power, if you don't have food!
  11. When a country has low interest rates it's currency becomes worthless. Thai mortgage rate 4.75%, bank account 1.2% UK mortgage rate 1.8%, bank account 0% Why would I park my money in a country that pays no (or low) interest)? The problem being, many western countries have sold mortgages to people who couldn't repay if the interest rates rise. So you have the situation, low interest rates and worthless currency Vs huge amounts of mortgage defaults.
  12. It's just 2" x 1" box steel welded into shelf supports the 'shelf' being the distance between mounting holes in the PV. In my case the PV mounting holes are 96cm apart, so I made my 'shelf' 1m wide. Then 2 rails (2x1 box steel) 3m long. The rails are mounted 96cm apart (every different PV I have has different mounting holes), then drilled and bolted on with 2 & 1/2" bolts. Essentially, You just need a welder, grinder, drill plenty of 2x1 box steel and a handful of nuts/bolts/washers.
  13. Vietnam entry was free for Brits, I used to go there a lot before COVID. Philippines and Malaysia also free entry. Laos, Cambodia and China were the countries charging for entry. As for Thailand, don't you need insurance (Thailand pass) before they let you in? If I wasn't already here, I wouldn't be coming, Thailand has nothing to offer me that I can't find in Vietnam/Philippines/Cambodia.
  14. My 5 (x330w) 'grid tie' panels have been generating around 140 units/month, and the PEA sells me another 170-220 units/month. Those 5 panels are now connected to my 'off grid' living room supply. And are supposedly generating 1kW between 9am and 3pm, only the PV gets throttled back at around mid-day when the batteries have been fully charged ......... waiting for a 'Neutral bus bar' for my fuse box (tomorrow) so I can connect my bedrooms to the 'off grid'. When I'm running off battery, from 3pm to 9am the battery drops from 100% to 82% so I have plenty to spare. Think I'll leave the kitchen, showers and air-con on grid with maybe one double socket solar powered in the kitchen. Completely knackered now ...... just put the mounts for the 2 new panels up, lifted one up and bolted it down, one left to lift tomorrow. Why is it the holes you drill on the ground move when they're in the air, so you have to drill again when up a ladder?
  15. Had 5 already, purchased another 2 from BlueTech on Lazada, 3,500bht each delivered. Today's effort was cutting/welding/drilling the wall mounts for the new panels. Ready to drill the wall, but i think I'll wait until tomorrow, too tired, getting too old for this stuff.
  16. Bus is best, quick, quiet and comfortable. Train takes much longer and it's noisy. Why not fly?
  17. I'd take them to small claims court (non payment of debt). Can be done online. They've had 35 years notice of this payment, no excuse for being late.
  18. Typhoo was good enough for my parents and grandparents! It's good enough for me.
  19. Poke a mains tester screwdriver (20bht) into any neutral pin on a socket. If it lights up you have N/L reversed. Very dangerous as none of your fuses are connected. Common problem, my builder had my house wired like this.
  20. I prefer it like this. ZERO pollution in CM so far this year. But it's only been 'different' for 2 months, a bit soon to be shouting 'the sky is falling'.
  21. Don't like it, tried a few times but it just tastes wrong. Why can't they grow something a bit more British?
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