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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Used to make documentaries/reporting, now I only watch stupid movies/series. (Which are probably more truthful than the docos/reporting) Back to the OP, Not eaten any salmon for 20 years, and when I did eat it, came out of a can. It wasn't a conscious decision, just something I never put in my shopping basket.
  2. Getting married because you like sex is like buying a Jumbo jet because you like eating peanuts. Usually getting married reduces your sex life (with your wife) to once a month. Here, the only limit on the sex you can have is the number of 1,500bhts you have.
  3. More to do with lack of evidence IMHO. 1. Paid 3,500bht to do a 300bht job. 2. Her word against 5 guys words. 3. Wait 5 days to make report (so no physical evidence either way). Doubt a police force in the world would bother with this. And if they did, the DPP (equivalent) wouldn't prosecute.
  4. I like a regular menu and a selection of side dishes. In Asia you can have both, and nobody seems that bothered.
  5. It's only a problem if you have false expectations.
  6. If you're 80 years old you probably won't need to worry all that long. Gotta laugh at the optimism of guys looking for one that's different. Gotta laugh even harder at the guys that imagine their one IS different. All women lie, cheat and steal ....... it's just a matter of time.
  7. It took me 50 years to understand all women lie, all the time and about everything. Don't believe me, ask a woman her age. Even up the playing field, learn to lie like a woman ............... Works for me, I neither expect or tell women the truth.
  8. The OP specifies EXTRACTS limited to not more than 0.2% As far as I can see there is no mention of limits on THC for smoking the natural plant flowers.
  9. Brick is usually 5%-10% ................ You want better, you have to grow it.
  10. My local government school charges 6kbht/term. It's supposedly free but if you don't pay for the 'extras' they won't let your kid attend. Some might consider it extortion.
  11. Nah, I lived with one like that for nearly a year. The 4-5x a day she demanded almost killed me. She needed at least 4 guys to keep her satisfied, I couldn't manage it. She would have been great as a bit on the side though.
  12. More to do with the justice system IMHO. In the UK you would be caught and jailed for a long time. In Thailand there's a good chance of getting away with it or a minor sentence.
  13. 1. They didn't get paid. 2. Their husband/boyfriend found out. 3. Their calls weren't returned. 4. Mental illness. 5. Large negotiated pay-off to withdraw the claim (aka extortion). Those are the usual five reasons for false rape accusations. Although I'm not claiming this incident is a false claim, waiting 4 days to make the report seems a bit suspect.
  14. Not a creepy as guys that want fat girls. Just my opinion.
  15. Bad back is usually a lifestyle choice as well. Eat less, exercise more, lose weight and that bad back is gone forever. As for jogging, all that ever did for me is hurt my knee and ankle joints. Walking, hiking, cycling is the way to go IMHO. PS. I was also in the same weight range as you.
  16. Youngest woman I've ever had sex with was 19, and I was 17. We met in a pub where she provided me with alcoholic drinks. Maybe I should report her for molesting me?
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