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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Smoked North Thunderf*** last night, Fat Banana was better. My No. 1 choice from @ca08 is now Fat Banana @40bhtgm.
  2. Thought the fall was due to 'All Inspire' defaulting on 2.5Bbht of bonds. With more defaults from other big companies in the pipeline.
  3. Don't think Saville blamed anyone as he was dead before he was investigated.
  4. Best action is always to do nothing until the police come to arrest you, then plead ignorance. Let's face it even if you 'cannot tell a lie', first tax declaration is maybe required in Jan 2025, and then they wouldn't know you were resident until you next extension application (in my case October 2025). I deliberately don't update my bank book except on the day of my VISA extension, so they can't see what money I bring into Thailand, bank book 1 or 2 entries, bank statement 6 months maximum.
  5. Never been in a stadium, visited plenty of train stations and shopping centres though.
  6. Wish I coul play the piano that badly. I actually prefer his classical playing, he does a decent Ave Maria (Schubert)and in the CCCP clip at 25:25 some other piece.
  7. Was more concerned with the Chinese girl muttering 'Don't shoot him' in the background. Suspect the shouty Chinese security man had a gun on him, but the police (of course) never checked.
  8. For a start we know because she's friends with bar girls. Respectable Thai women don't mix with sex workers.
  9. Whats wrong with Lazada, PG Tips, 40 bags for 100bht .............................. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/pg-tips-tea-the-original-signature-taste-116g-116-i4209585079-s16576509785.html I prefer the Typhoo @ 100bht for 100 bags .................................... but sold out everywhere. There's always Tetley tea bags @ 135bht for 100 bags. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/tetley-original-tea-100-tea-bags-100units-i4991291375-s21055532132.html
  10. I was a hit and run victim 3 months back, government hospital didn't ask for any money until I wanted to leave. Paid 6kbht on Sunday afternoon, which was handed back Monday when my m/c government minimum insurance agreed to pay all costs it to 30kbht.
  11. Smoked some Fat Banana last night, and 0.5gm completely knocked me out. Stronger smell than the 30bht offerings, and stronger than godfather. Not bad for 40bht/gm
  12. Norway is also the most expensive country in which to live, so they need to pay more or the pensioners will all die.
  13. You would think wrong, most car purchases are by companies.
  14. Allegedly most EV sales are on 3 year leases, then they sit in a parking lot until scrapped.
  15. Not once! I get given a ticket when I arrive, then everyone is seen in turn according to ticket number.
  16. Depends if house or condo, some condos have rules about smoking inside. But if nobody sees you, you can do what you like.
  17. Dunno, but the bar I was in, everyone was smoking. And I guess they've paid the police not to bother them or their customers. Same for drink driving, Just pay the police not to notice.
  18. Helping the Saudis ..... then they did 9/11. That'll teach you to help Saudi!
  19. It's actually which hole you use that's the defining factor.
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