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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. There are no requirements for renting anywhere in Thailand, apart from having the money they want. If you encounter a landlord that's problematic, just rent somewhere else.
  2. Net worth 55M pounds ($70M US), owns large farm with mansion house, superyacht, etc. As one of the super rich, I don't think he really cares what the proles think of him.
  3. Nope, the police don't care if you have a drivers licence or not. Hit and run got me 4 months back, at the police station 2 months later they only wanted to see my passport and valid VISA stamp. Still no sign of any court action, police appear to have lost interest.
  4. ..... Or bribe my wife, she was all up for court action, then mysteriously lost interest. Also the policeman handling the case died unexpectedly, just before handing the case over to the courts.
  5. I suspect he bribed the police to drop the case. I hope it cost him a lot!
  6. Just got the all clear from the doctor this morning. Last to heal was my collarbone, now fused if a bit lumpy. Says I don't need any more physiotherapy, arm doesn't have full movement but good enough. Still some pain in the shoulder, but probably no worse than any other old guys bones and joints. So total cost for 4 months medical care, 5 broken ribs, broken collarbone, collapsed lung, 3 days in hospital, countless X-rays, meds, 8x physio was just under 13kbht, paid for by government minimum m/c insurance.
  7. I think that any attractive young woman who would talk with me is a hooker. Applies to women worldwide, not just Thailand or Pattaya.
  8. They want to spend all day working in a rice field even less. Can't say I ever wanted to be at any of my workplaces either, it was just to earn money.
  9. Giffgaff, they will post the free SIM anywhere in the world. You need to send 1 SMS every 6 months to keep it active. 10 pounds credit lasts years.
  10. Love Chinese food in the UK. Don't like Chinese food in China or Thailand. Love Indian food in UK, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand.
  11. And I've got a good enough 3 bedroom house for 10kbht/month just outside CM. My healthcare costs for a 'hit and run' (broken collarbone, 5 broken ribs, collapsed lung, hospital stay, 8x physio) are around 10kbht paid by government minimum insurance. No waiting lists at all, though sometimes it takes as long as 4hrs to see a doctor, and physio once made me wait 15 minutes.
  12. Nothing Thai this month, Gammon, pizza, bacon and eggs, fried chicken, fish fingers, chips, toasted cheese, zinger burgers ...,.. Just had chicken jalfrezi + naan bread.
  13. It's God's punishment on you for annoying us with all your silly threads!
  14. Back in my home town, once the pubs went 'no smoking', they put smoking sheds in the pub gardens and we all smoked cannabis every evening. Rich people all snorted cocaine ............... Even my London company works parties had cannabis and cocaine provided along with the free food and drinks. Don't know what local poop hole you lived in, but it sure wasn't London or New York!
  15. I ate Norfloxacin 400 ......... 1/2 tab every morning and evening until the 10 tabs were used. Then the next month same repeat. Worked for me, but there may be some risks involved.
  16. DHL yesterday, no official ride, came on his scooter with a kid he just picked up from school on the back. Delivery drivers are all over the place!
  17. Dunno, my local government hospital is filled with the latest equipment. Portable X ray machines so you don't need to leave your bed. Physio straps electric pads all over my damaged shoulder. Never seen anywhere in the world with more modern equipment.
  18. Honda manual unlocking, Press and hold the on/seat/lock knob until it bleeps, get your fob number ready ..... press knob once and beep, then enter the number by pressing the knob that many times (0 = no presses), after 10s the bike beeps and you enter the next number. keep going and the bike is unlocked with the locking disabled until you press an hold for another 10s. Takes about 2 minutes in all, you can't hurry it up, around 10s between each number (9 numbers x 10 seconds).
  19. Nope, Honda add fobs to the box in the bike electronically, but the number on the fob is useful as you can use it to unlock the bike without the fob.
  20. Electronic key fob = 1 Metal key = 2 So depends what you got.
  21. Modern eye tests don't use the chart ....... it's peer through an eyepiece and watch the tractor moving across the screen. Results on a printout from the computer.
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