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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Yeah but those aren't your country, shouldn't the USA keep out of other people's wars? If you keep attacking other countries, don't be surprised when they attack your home country.
  2. How could you possibly know she isn't on Facebook? Did you grab her smartphone and check when she was in the shower?
  3. Or maybe, like me, they don't find women that interesting, apart from sex. It's gay men that want to be friends with women, maybe you're gay and haven't realised it yet!
  4. Avoid anywhere in Issan or any rural areas unless you're bonkers or an alcoholic. 10-20km from any of the big tourist towns is the best place. HER land is worthless, anything you build on it will have ZERO resale value. Pattaya, Hua Hin, Chiang Mai are all good places to live near. Islands cost 50% more in day to day living costs.
  5. Thais never say no, they agree with everyone but never get around to doing anything other than what they want. The current laws won't change in any way (that you would notice).
  6. According to you so did she ......... And under Thai law he can get damages from you.
  7. Didn't see any army or police, could have done with a bit of assistance with directions in the big city (ChangSha). Did need to show ID to get on the train (as did everyone), but other than that no police stops or checks, 200km by train, 40km by bus to get to the park. No queues or questions at the airport (unlike the USA or Thailand), waved right through. Only encountered 2 other foreigners while I was there, none on the plane, train or bus.
  8. Wish they had provided me with an interpreter, as there was no English numbers or alphabet anywhere. Damned hard to find buses and places as I can't read Chinese. Not sure why you would think about wester newspapers as there was almost no English speakers, so no demand. Plenty of western movies on cable TV in my room, most with original English language and optional Chinese subs. Wandered around all over 'avatar national park', mostly on my own, the Chinese didn't venture far from the cable cars. Oddly enough Chinese fruit was more expensive in the Chinese shops than the same fruit in Makro.
  9. When I went to China for a couple of weeks absolutely nothing was as the western media portrayed it. Nobody followed or watched me, I could go where I pleased. Small business flourished. Immigration and visa was easier, and the staff more pleasant and helpful. No police apparent on the streets. They had more personal freedom than the UK or the USA as far as I could tell. Your opinions are all formed by western anti Chinese propaganda!
  10. Land office won't allow sale of property held by a minor without a court order. and a court order is almost never granted.
  11. Assume she lied about her mom, I bet you told her about yours first.
  12. I knew a lady in CM that sold coffee shops. She opened a new coffee shop, then a month later it would be up for sale. She did it at least 3x while I knew her, always sold to foreigners for their Thai wife/gf.
  13. Yeah, thalassemia is very common in the Thai population (30-40% of the population have it), iron pills help kids and are frequently given for this reason.
  14. Thai people with jobs normally have to work 6 days a week, 10hrs a day, and little chance of extra days off. Where did your lady get the free time to spend with you? Only the unemployed and sex workers have the free time to bang foreigners on holiday.
  15. Never heard anyone say anything but "wave".
  16. Everyone meets a girl their first few days in Thailand, they actively hunt n00bs. Mainly because the new guys don't understand much younger and prettier girls are available, and the new guys instantly love them and want to take them home. The sarky comments are because we've all done it, and we've all seen other guys do it. Also n00bs don't take advice well, and usually lash out at anyone trying to wake them up to reality. The chances of the girl you met not being a sex worker are very close to ZERO. Enjoy the sex, enjoy your feelings of romance, don't help her out with her debts more than 1,000bht a night.
  17. Headline should be "girl feels nervous" as nothing else happened let alone attempted rape. Then you follow the link and it's all different.
  18. In your manbag, worn over shoulder, bag in front. In crowds always one hand holding the bag.
  19. There was a firm in cm doing this .......... they stole most of their clients money. As we aren't allowed to name and shame disreputable solicitors, how would you suggest finding a reputable one?
  20. Don't know why you guys are all wasting your time .......... different strains get sold out, and more arrive. At 30-40bht/gm with free COD delivery(orders 300bht+) you can't beat them. Obviously the THC claims are wrong, expect 15-20% THC.
  21. Best to leave your house to the person you want to own it.
  22. Op can leave house to step daughter, and it can't be sold or borrowed against until she's 21. Money is more difficult as Thailand doesn't allow trust funds. @eyeman Your post is incorrect, you can't borrow against property owned by a minor.
  23. Just leave everything to your step daughter. She can inherit anything except debt.
  24. I feel contempt for any primatives that believe in magic or ghosts or invisible friends. That includes the Vatican and the church. These two ladies broke no laws, so it's nothing to do with the police.
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