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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I would, used to carry an angle grinder in the boot of my car back in the UK. Sometimes I randomly removed 'boots' from other cars. Best not to let anyone video you doing it though, pull your hoodie well up!
  2. Thais criticising foreigners for disregard of local laws ....... Makes me laugh!
  3. You've just described almost every 30 year old Thai single mum I've banged! You did miss out the bunny ear hair accessories and the 'hello kitty' cushions they all have.
  4. If they look at the old stamps! How many extra staff would they need to look through old passports? I don't think they do because they missed it last time I renewed, and it'll be another 9 years before I need a new one. Nearly 70 now, suspect I'll be dead before then.
  5. Just putting you on ignore, as a can't be bothered to read nonsense posts from you any more.
  6. Once you leave your home country, your home country has no idea where you've gone, countries do not share entry/exit databases. Your uk passport is not linked to your NI number either. So currently there is no way for the DWP to connect you to your passport.
  7. The only reason they can stop your pension is if they think you're dead.
  8. We have 6 red boxes around the moobaan and pay 3k/month. So 500bht/box.
  9. But you can sneak your cash away when being divorced, while you will lose 50% of your pension.
  10. Let's see the court decision letter! But we all know there wasn't one.
  11. British state pension is currently 12,000 pounds a year. I'm happy enough with that.
  12. I paid 7000bht for the Synology ds233j 2 bay Nas earlier this year. It uses 10W so it's left on 24/7, no need to conserve power.
  13. Would point out Lithium fires are hot enough to burn through concrete and steel. Best to keep your batteries in a shed outside the home.
  14. The police visit our 'red box' 3x a day.
  15. They take my word that I still live in England without any documentation. So why wouldn't they believe I was living in the Philippines without any documentation? As for looking at passport stamps, I always tell everyone I don't have a passport. There's no requirement for Brit citizens living in the UK to have a passport.
  16. Tell them you live in the Philippines then you get full pension!
  17. 15mbs, 100gb/month, free phone calls all networks limited to 30mins/call.
  18. I'm looking forward to the day when I can buy some cheap seafront property. I don't need a mortgage or insurance, just a cheap place to live.
  19. I have no foreign payments leaving my UK bank account or debit card. If I had such payments my UK bank would cancel my bank account.
  20. Don't understand why you aren't on the yearly SIM packages, I'm paying 1600bht/year.
  21. I don't use raid, I just keep a second Nas in a different place with the same files on it.
  22. I had the original COVID, it was no worse than the flu. I had double vaccination, it didn't appear to have any adverse effects. I had COVID again, it was no worse than the flu. The vaccine made no difference to my body as far as I can tell, it appears to me to be worthless, so I won't be having another COVID vaccine. I have no problems with you all participating in medical trials by big pharma, that's your personal choice, but you won't convince me or shame me into participating a second time.
  23. You just buy a Synology NAS and treat it as a single drive. My 2 bay Synology ds233j can take 2x 22TB hds internally, and another 2 USB drives externally. They also make 4 bay models. No need to even turn your computer on as it can download torrents, and play to your smart TV on it's own

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