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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. By whom? As far as I can see Keir Starmer reduced the number of potential seats won and any other Labour leader would have done better. This was never a Labour victory but a Conservative defeat, and the British voter would have voted for anyone that wasn't Conservative.
  2. It was 189bht at my Big C, I bought a bag but it looks a bit light on the fruit and nut. Looked in Tops, no get one free on the Daily Me, but they did have this Nissin granola mix at 2 bags (1Kg) for 285bht so I got a couple of bags.
  3. You'll be happy to hear Thailand offers American women married to Thai husbands the same rights as America offers Thai women married to American men. Actually it only takes 2 years of marriage for an American wife to get Thai citizenship.
  4. Always Nestle, the don't go soggy like the Kellogg's when you put the milk on. Oddly enough I also switched to granola earlier this year.
  5. I don't feel like a prisoner here, in fact I have enough money to live in many 3rd world countries (I've always fancied Mauritius, pension of $1500 a month gets you there). But I do feel banished from my home country and the rest of the western world by impossible accomodation costs. Something is gonna snap in the west as homeless numbers rise and rents soar. Glad I'm not there to see it happening.
  6. Thought Buffalo was covered in ice and snow for 2 months a year? Can't see that as a safe refuge, one winter power cut would kill loads.
  7. Yes, I agree, best Granola I've found. More dried fruit and nuts than any of the others.
  8. 2000bht fine as far as I know. Hardly the end of the world, even if they did catch you.
  9. Less than 80bht for 250gm Inc delivery.
  10. What's wrong with Typhoo Tea? 350bht for 300 bags Inc delivery https://s.lazada.co.th/s.oul20 And I'm very happy with Mainland Vintage Cheddar 279bht for 500gm in Makro. Just bought some this morning.
  11. Muesli and granola is best purchased from Lazada, too expensive in the shops.
  12. Isn't that the definition of pensioner?
  13. I believe his main vote winning policy is ...... I am not and have never been a member of the Conservative party. And IMHO that's enough!
  14. Same for me, plus I paid for her to attend high school and University, my Thai wife tells me I'm the best Dad she ever had!
  15. Not sure about that, My 12yo is in a CEP class (Chinese an English project) at a Thai government high school (24 in the class), he is fluent in Thai and English, and learning Chinese fairly well. Fees are 8kbht a term (5kbht this first year for uniforms and shoes), bus is 1,300bht/month, and he gets 100bht/day for food and snacks. We also pay a teacher from his school for 3 private lessons a week to improve his Thai reading and writing 500bht/week. Total costs under 5kbht/month.
  16. As a pensioner nearing death (like most forum members), I'd like to know why I need to save 45kbht a month?
  17. Splashed out on my son's education when he started high school earlier this year. Put him in the CEP class (Chinese and English Project). 8kbht/term + 5kbht for books and uniforms the first year. We also pay a private teacher for 3 evenings lessons a week to help his Thai reading and writing along. He's great at English though and seems to be doing well with Chinese. If I were living alone I doubt I'd be able to spend more than 30kbht/month.
  18. Well, somehow I seem to have ended up here forever. House in the CM burbs with mortgage, Thai wife, our 12yo son, her 25yo daughter, pets, scooters, eMTB. All on under 50kbht/month. So a fairly normal comfortable life. Don't really want for anything. Never mixed with the locals wherever I lived, happy enough to cycle every day, read books, watch movies, listen to music, post on AN. and hang out with my family (all English speakers). I know you all want more, but I'm not quite sure what that more could be? Guess I'm lacking imagination, or maybe I'm lacking greed.
  19. It's the 1st today ........ your date adjust can't be working!
  20. You're assuming he has some friends.
  21. How do you know, none of you are in Thailand!
  22. Your government doesn't provide women with welfare, and fake jobs, and free housing? I'm always amazed that so many western men don't understand their governments are providing everything free, that women traditionally obtained from their men in exchange for sex and companionship.
  23. And there was me thinking it was just some lonely guys looking for a bit of sex and the female companionship their home countries governments denied them.
  24. 50bht charge is the standard doctor's fee for anyone not registered at that government hospital. They don't care what colour your skin is.
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