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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. The Red King, entire season just out. Remake of The Wicker Man with a female police sergeant of Indian descent in the lead role. Not to mention the lady of the manor is black and the retired policeman has a mail order Thai bride. Surprisingly good with a bit of tongue in cheek wokeness, decent acting, and well written. Beautiful scenery and photography. Well worth a watch.
  2. Makro have a selection and will deliver to your home/AirBnB.
  3. He didn't have blackmail evidence against the people that run the country.
  4. As far as I know DUI is the only motoring offense that will get you deported ..... and then only if you're not on a marriage extension. No D/L, no insurance, no tax, no helmet, speeding ....... small fine.
  5. Movies, TV series, books, music. Come teotwawki (assuming I survive) I'll still have lots of entertainment.
  6. You don't think a country/government has the right to set it's own laws?
  7. 2 and they were both hookers. Nice enough but always on the scrounge for help with this and that. TBH I wouldn't have known they weren't Russian, if they hadn't said.
  8. I think you missed the point of the discussion, maybe you should read the posts before replying.
  9. I have a perfectly happy old age on the money I have, quite frankly I don't know how so many foreigners spend so much money in Thailand.
  10. 39c in Chiang Mai this aft, no different from this month in any previous year.
  11. Don't think they have 20TB ssd either.
  12. It's sort of true. Anyone with plenty of money in the UK snorts cocaine and drinks fine wines. The lower income peeps just drink alcohol and smoke weed. At work we always used to say, 'snorting cocaine is god's way of saying you're paid too much money'.
  13. Do they have 40TB ssd at a reasonable price?
  14. Was at the police station this morning discussing the way forward for the hit and run. No problems with him, documents on the way to the courts now.
  15. The policeman seems to be enjoying watching the guy trying to dig himself out. Bit mean to be laughing then handing out a fine.
  16. Again completely accurate at every point. You're on a roll FP!
  17. But to be fair, Tommy wasn't walking around in Nazi uniform. And as Herfie says, no excuse at all for the pepper spray!
  18. Beware of the courts ....... you can be arrested, held and deported for DUI (unless on a married extension).
  19. I gave my daughter 100bht/day while at university, same time as yours, plus 30kbht/year for fees and books. My 12yo son is just starting a private English + Chinese class at my local government school, 20 students in the class at a cost of 21kbht/year (inc books and uniforms). Thailand is cheap as chips!
  20. Yeah but your idea's on inflation in Thailand is nonsense. Both the exchange rate and my pensions have risen way faster than inflation in Thailand in the past 10 years. The general Thai population would be starving long before I, as they're getting nothing like the wage rises my pension gives. Thai wages have actually gone down between COVID and now! The Thai government can't allow much in the way of inflation.
  21. There's no requirement to spend 40kbht/month, you just need to bring that much in. Alternatively 400kbht in the bank and you can live off what you grow in your garden with no money at all required.
  22. I'm going out for coffee with a pal later today. 25bht for a hot latte sitting in the shade of a straw roof awning, we go there because the coffee is really good, then a short drive along rural roads to another coffee shop in a light jungle setting for a 40bht banana smoothie. Can't say that I feel I'm missing out on anything. I'm happy enough sitting out in the open air most of the day.
  23. Lunch for me and my kid yesterday was omlette+cheese+bacon+mushroom ........ about 25bht for both of us. Dinner was Spagetti+chicken in sauce from 7-11 ........ 40bht each. Breakfast for me was a cheese sandwich ....... 25bht (ish). I thought the video was fairly realistic, but they forgot to mention VISA is easier in Cambodia and the Philippines @ approx $300/year.
  24. I've generally found 3 dates = 1x sex in the UK. The dates don't have to be with your wife, but the expense is the same. Generally a cash payment in a Thai bar is a lot less expensive, and gives a guaranteed result.

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