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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Having more than the local women is usually enough.
  2. Never, I don't doff my cap, tug my forelock or bow when the landed gentry walk by either. Obviously those who view themselves as serfs are free to debase themselves in any way they like to their betters.
  3. I suspect your OP is more to do with the state of your mind and your marriage. As stoner suggested, smoke some cannabis, drink some wine, forget your troubles and the world will look a better place.
  4. I thought your wife earned so much that you didn't need any money! Hows the divorce coming?
  5. I thought climate change was going to kill us in 10 years ........ are you a climate denier?
  6. 110g of godfather for 2,500bht, can't get much cheaper than that! That's my stash set for the next 4-6 months. Just under 23bht/g, cheaper than growing it myself.
  7. Most posters on this forum are at the end of their lives.
  8. Fanboys does not equate to impartial. The problem with EVs is they're too expensive. I can get a decent s/h pickup for 300-400kbht, I'd be happy for it to be an EV, but only ICE is available.
  9. IMO golf is for people who are too unfit to run, hike, cycle.
  10. In Thailand, I always thought it was ....... 1. prison isn't any worse than their existing life or 2. they don't think the police will bother catching them or 3. the sentence will be trivial, pretend to be a monk for a week, etc.
  11. Most of us have pensions, not only can't I outlive my pension but neither can my wife. I use a lot of imported food, mostly cheaper now than in 2009. Typhoo tea bags now 100bht/100, back in 2009 tea bags were 200bht/100 (and I couldn't buy the brand I wanted). Cannabis very cheap now, I've replaced my daily alcohol (3x small beers = 100bht) with cannabis (0.5g = 15bht). Electricity is much cheaper, I'm 80% solar, monthly bills down from 1500bht to 200bht. Back in 2009 my entertainment was True (1,000bht+) and s/h books which were expensive, today I get all that and more for under 700bht (internet, books, movies, music, TV, HBO Go), probably 50% less than when I arrived.
  12. Alternatively, they could choose to use a government hospital instead of the most expensive private hospital outside the USA.
  13. All 7-11s have a camera pointed at the till to stop staff stealing. I'd have asked to see the video. As for the missing note, when stealing they slip it under the till, not in the cash drawer.
  14. This is a prime example of faulty logic! First, what percentage of your income is spent on pork ...... Almost nothing! Second, pension income is not fixed, in the past 2 years I've had nearly a 20% rise.
  15. I once met a bunch of dyslexic Satanists .... They all sold their souls to Santa!
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