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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. 20bht is the top price, and it's dropping. Used to be 50bht before COVID.
  2. They only commit the crimes when drugs are expensive. With yaba at 20bht/tab and cannabis at 30bht/GM, nobody needs to commit crimes to purchase them. Alcohol is far more expensive so why aren't you ranting about the evils of alcohol forcing the poor into committing crimes?
  3. Nah, they're just looking at the pictures. Most Thai books are comic books.
  4. Another fake Facebook sponsored ad, please stop posting these adverts unless you have purchased from them and received a legit product.
  5. If you're already old ,,,,,,, why would you want to live any longer in your worn out body?
  6. Did you forget the Krays. And before them the Luftwaffe?
  7. Talking about old people, at some age it's no longer sensible to buy a property. If you're 70yo the purchase price will be way beyond any rent you would pay. But a lot of older people get locked into mindsets which give them no options. No mention of what happens after buying a 25Mbht seaside home, then you accidentally kick a doctor? Even a drunk driving conviction can get you deported and banned from re-entering.
  8. Are these the same medics that give antibiotics to cure a cold?
  9. Fallout complete season out today. 200 years after a nuclear war in the 1950s a few people emerge from their underground shelters. I've watched the first 2 episodes , very entertaining but incredibly violent.
  10. You do understand this is purely an old wives tale? Alcohol doesn't affect antibiotics in any way, unless you're too drunk to remember to take the pills or throw them up. https://theconversation.com/mondays-medical-myth-you-cant-mix-antibiotics-with-alcohol-4407
  11. That's because the rest of us have ereaders and download every book free from Z library.
  12. Irrelevant! Each country sets its own laws and policies those laws in its own country.
  13. They also have no jurisdiction in Thailand.
  14. I've never seen a Thai reading a book!
  15. But where is the crime? Cannabis is legal in Thailand, I get it posted to my home address all the time. Post office, Flash, Kerry all handle it. Overstay is a crime, posting cannabis isn't.
  16. It's not a normal MasterCard! It's processed by TPN (Thai payment network) and has many problems because of that. All the Bangkok bank debit cards are similar.
  17. To be fair, I agree with you. He was driving in a straight line at a constant speed, nothing he did caused the accident, and no way he could have prevented it.
  18. You've just described the entire male Thai population, they don't need any drug to be this way.
  19. I don't think facing reality means I'm bitter. I prefer to deal with life as it is, rather than life as I hoped it would be.
  20. Also gives you the energy to work all day in the fields. Drug of choice for Gogo dancers as it gives them the energy to dance all night and it keeps their weight down.
  21. My misses came home last week and complained the price was down to 20bht a tablet.
  22. Hooker killed by Ambassador on diplomatic passport.

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