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Everything posted by Jerno

  1. Ohhhh, Puh-Lee-ZZ. Spare us the voodoo scare tactics, just to get in the news. He's a Living Nostra-dumb-ass maybe. Sheesh!
  2. These are not necessarily cheap. Why would it be left behind?
  3. Try some punctuation and readable sentences and we'll understand what you really mean.
  4. Your post is far too short. We all want to read longer pieces of endless drivel and put us to sleep. Please.
  5. Looks like Trump has a foster son! Liar extraordinaire! Two so alike, it's amazing.
  6. And if it inadvertently did, so what! Tell Bell-ruskie they should not be kissing Pooo-tintin despot azzss$$.
  7. Can't trust Putin. Despicable man, murderer of children. Evil.
  8. Short term political gain for Putin. In the spring and next year he'll be swimming in surplus oil and no where to sell it. He's desperate as hell now.....and it will get worse.
  9. Attention! Right face! Forward March! Help those tourists. Big offensive, military style.
  10. Nicknamed El Crumpleville.
  11. What's the sudden hurry, Pray-hoot? Procrastinated 8 years on this! In your way out of power soon and the envelopes have stopped?
  12. Never buy from Lazada, but you do and it's been fine. Huh?
  13. Brakes must work differently in Thailand, having an epidemic of failures week after week.
  14. How much time at the airport needed to do the permit there?
  15. Yes. The burden of having $billions, perhaps a couple countries you can't go to, but can yacht across every ocean. Such a miserable life indeed.
  16. Yes! Painted lines on pavement will change driving habits of all Thais! Yes, we are saved!
  17. Just cancel everything including your own tenure as PM. "Exercise caution".... what does that mean?
  18. Don't you know who's in hospital? That's what it's about.
  19. Well this is another step up in responsible reporting, since they stopped reporting the colour of underwear perps were wearing at every arrest.
  20. It's APD. (Against Putin Disease).
  21. Many previous posters confirme they ignore this former requirement at Immigration, despite various Imm Form(s) still contain it.
  22. And still make it bureaucratic as H to get extensions and stay long term.
  23. The Bangkok Post explained the cancellation because the Thai people were in "fragile state". Someone high up the political chain trying to get favor from higher up with the cancellation.
  24. Orange match! Hair and suit. Picture perfect.
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