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Everything posted by GreasyFingers

  1. The question you need to ask is buying the land your idea or the wife. If not yours go the usufruct or superficies, or accept the advice of @473geo as many of us have done.
  2. or put another way; "it does not matter who you vote for a politician always wins." And people still complain about used car salesman.
  3. Are they new owners cutting costs?
  4. My problem is not what they are watching but what are they thinking about. It does not appear to be driving a car, and that goes for males as well.
  5. But more AUD when repatriated to Australia.
  6. Don't you just love the irony Thais have with English.
  7. No disagreement about the Chinese economy but commodities are priced in USD so the mining companies are laughing all the way to the bank (with the help of the RBA). The problem will be if USD collapses over the next couple of years as some American commentators are suggesting.
  8. As you are a man of the world I ask your opinion as to the origin of that term. It is common in OZ but am not sure if it is a cockney term that we have adopted. American outlaws are coming next month and am not sure if I can refrain from using it, unlike you. Previous experience tells me that it will not go down well if used.
  9. I asked the same question 6 months ago with no positive replies. Ended up using a standard bathroom outlet directly into the pipe. The outlet pipe was vertical so no good if you need to run the water laterally.
  10. Can you give a link as I have been looking for bar heaters for the bathroom. It gets cold here and even with a 8000 watt water heater for the shower it is still not hot enough and cold when you get out. This is probably going to be a colder cold season because of all of the moisture in the ground. Have been here when it was 5C in the morning.
  11. As an Aussie it it is wonderful to hear the pommy whingeing. The only trouble is they taught us how to do it as well.
  12. Thanks Rooster. Now all you have to do is convince the other 5 million Bangkokians to never come up to our country areas. They are really a pain in the a, cannot drive, clog up our roads as if it is Bangkok and love noisy karaoke at all hours when they cannot sing a note. Love city people as long as they stay there.
  13. So you have to provide a fear factor for your your wife.
  14. One of the things I learnt in my first job after school. Make sure the boss knows who you are, even if it is for the wrong reason.
  15. Why a pit bull. Plenty of other breeds or is it a reflection of personality. Not being nasty as I used to have a German Shepherd Dog who was fully trained to obedience, lovely dog, but had a flaw in its attitude for some people. You never know the full personality of a dog.
  16. That must have been what I was thinking of. Thanks
  17. Will they give a re-entry permit up to the under consideration period. I was under the impression that the re-entry would only be valid to the end of the previous extension, i.e 30 days before the end of the under consideration period.
  18. The Land Office may be reluctant to give you the information, even the coordinates of your land. It is freely available in other countries as it is on public record.
  19. Waves are determined by wind. Strong winds, even 100km from you, can cause a much larger setup above the tide.
  20. Local flooding has nothing to do with height above sea level so even if you knew it, it would be of no use to you. If you were in a civilised country there would be local benchmarks that a surveyor could relate your land to. There shoul be a surveying firm somewhere in your area that can help you. Even though the Thai land Office use a coordinated system (GPS) for boundaries i do not know if they record land heights as well. You could talk to their surveyor at the Land Office.
  21. Go to your local Amphur. They will do it for you and store the will if wanted. This is all my wife needed to do up here.
  22. Covid last month with mild symptoms no worse than a head cold. Lasted about 7 days and still have minor sinus problems. 2xAZ last year. Had not been off the property for 5 days so do not know how I got it. The wife out every day but no COVID.
  23. I still have minor sinus problems a month after covid.
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