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Everything posted by GreasyFingers

  1. Flew into Samui yesterday and the plane was full of Europeans plus a few Thais and normal people. Still quite by the old standards but definitely picking up.
  2. It was directly related to the operation as the doctor warned me that it could happen. The hospital offered more surgery, a vitractomy similar to the detached retina operation, to treat the posterior capsule opacity but I was not prepared to give them a second go.
  3. I had one done locally and he cut the lens capsule and could not clean everything out. Detached retina 2 months later
  4. I wonder if they have been reading about the Star/Crown casino inqiries in Australia. Owned by the rich and respectable people and now told they are not fit to have their licenses.
  5. Simon, from the number of people that attack your lifestyle makes me think they are jealous of you.
  6. I like to wear mine because several women have told me they think I am 20 years younger than I am. Not that I could do anything about it anyway.
  7. Was not really being that critical but went to a burning yesterday of a well known local farang. Of the two hundred people there were probably 20 farang, half not wearing masks at the beginning, but by the end most had masked to not be out of place with the Thais. Found it interesting that maybe we need to comply with the locals when in their company.
  8. You are a stay with the herd type?
  9. My mistake, just looked at definition of a sewer and it includes both. I used to design sewers, the sanitary waste type, and never referred to stormwater drains as a sewer.
  10. How does garbage get into a sewer line, they are supposed to be a sealed system.
  11. Have not touched the weed for 50 years as it never really agreed with me. But on one occasion I hallucinated on it with the flowers on the wall paper turning into lions heads. I am sure it had nothing to do with the beer and 2 bottles of red wine consumed before as it was a friends buck's night.
  12. I was expecting to see posts from the crypto experts (pushers) that the fall is temporary and you should be buying now.
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