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Everything posted by GreasyFingers

  1. Have not touched the weed for 50 years as it never really agreed with me. But on one occasion I hallucinated on it with the flowers on the wall paper turning into lions heads. I am sure it had nothing to do with the beer and 2 bottles of red wine consumed before as it was a friends buck's night.
  2. I was expecting to see posts from the crypto experts (pushers) that the fall is temporary and you should be buying now.
  3. Where did the writer get this from. There is very little difference between the ideologies of the churches except for some obscure doctrine that led to disagreement over 1000 years ago. It has been reported that the Russian church supports Putin but with all the BS around these days who would know.
  4. What is different. It has always been "negotiated" fares up here. Trouble is every driver has the same price.
  5. You are doing well, getting your posts and replies up. AN will be looking to upgrade your status.
  6. Up here the ground is starting to crack again through lack of rain. Nothing for 2 weeks except for one shower. We are back to watering the gardens. Not a normal wet season but it did start in early March instead of Songkran so that might be the problem.
  7. Cannot say that about the Americans in Iraq, Syria, the Ukraine etc.
  8. Wonderful stories. Having been in the selling business I do wonder where they come from here. Having actually trained sales people I now look at how they perform when I go to a store. It is a pleasant experience when I encounter one who knows what they are supposed to do, unfortunately that is very rare.
  9. Problems not just in Thailand. NAB have just taken over the CITI credit card business in Australia and we cannot receive an OTP to access the account.
  10. For the OP there is a simple test on the ATO website, but I would not put my TFN in it (I was telling lies).
  11. No. The 180 day rule has been there for some time.
  12. And NSW is having record numbers of regular flu now that no one are wearing masks.
  13. No need for a facelift. The lovely ladies say I only look 50 with the mask on. Do not understand why the thinning white hair does not give my age away.
  14. It is quite clear if you look at the tax office website... you are not "resident" for tax purposes in Australia. I had an honest accountant that would not sign my tax declaration after I was living here a few years. As my Australian income is below the tax threshold I declared myself as not needing to submit a tax return. Not really legal if you look at the website. If it is an existing bank account give them an Australian address and say yes.
  15. My wife always says that I cannot die first. I thought it was love, but maybe you are right. ????
  16. It appears that they do not have the Al gutters here. We put in the brown PVC and no real problems after 3 years. The trouble we had was that the builder had never installed gutters before so did not get the slope or the overhang from the metallic roof right. If you go that way I would suggest you use silicone at the joints instead of glue so it is easier to fix any problems.
  17. Rutnin in Bangkok grossly over services unless you a prince, so as expensive as back home. Had a cataract operation at Supamitr Hospital in Suphanburi if that is all you need. A good distance from KK but they might have a van service from there. 32000 baht with one night in hospital. If you need more details let me know.
  18. But maim and kill the native creatures. Cats are an introduced species so should be kept locked up if their owners need a companion that purrs.
  19. There is a very simple solution, send them to Vietnam where they can be used. Not my type of food though.
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