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Everything posted by GreasyFingers

  1. Your wife should make a will for the land (and everything) to go to you, at your local Amphur that they will witness and hold the original. After probate is granted you will have 1 year to transfer to a Thai or sell. Their fee is nominal.
  2. Yesterday we were called next door by a worker who found a very dangerous snake. It was trapped in some discarded plastic netting and could not move. The FIL wanted to kill it but the wife said that it looked at her and she wanted it released. Cut the plastic netting from around the snake (taking precautions of course) and it slivered off into the bush. It was a completely harmless copper headed racer but the Thai man insisted it was deadly.
  3. Can someone explain to me if "booming EV industry" means the same as "budding EV industry".
  4. Do not mind their forecasting but wish they would get the Khon Kaen and Phitsanuklok radars working so I can do my own. KK has been out of service for a week and PK forever.
  5. So it is not rum. Thanks
  6. It just says "blended spirits" on the bottle. Are you sure it is a pure rum?
  7. I thought that was yesterday when they lost Ashes 1. But maybe you are right as it will take longer to get over it today.
  8. Never, or rarely, get hungry. Eat out of habit, to stop weight loss and keep the wife happy.
  9. Very sad situation for you and family but this is exactly the same as my late wife in Australia. She had cancer, had all known treatments but the doctors decided that they could do no more so sent her home to die. Hard to take at the time but probably the best way, being home with family and friends.
  10. I do not have internet on my phone so there is no app. Just go along with all the children and do what the bank tells you to do instead of the bank doing what you want, and what worked perfectly well in the past.
  11. I have a Citi credit card that had no problems receiving an SMS to my True number for 4 years. It was okay when NAB first took over but after many phone calls and non returned emails I still cannot receive an SMS. Their call centre, now in India, said it was True's problem, absolutely refuse to acknowledge that it was them, terrible people. The only way I was able to resolve the issue was to change to my Aldi SIM number. After 25 years with Citi I will now cancel the card with NAB.
  12. That is what I have had to do but as Aldi use Telstra how long will it be before they stop global roaming as Telstra did.
  13. CBA stopped giving me a dongle 4 years ago when the one I had was out of date. Told me they do not issue them any more.???? Much better than an OTP though.
  14. You can then sell the tadpoles to any Thai on the street. They love to eat them.
  15. Laucke multigrain bread mix. All I need to do is add water and yeast. The mix includes wheat flour, grains, polenta, salt and ascorbic acid. The BIL in Oz makes great bread using a mix from the supermarket, Laucke multigrain bread mix. All he needs to do is add water and yeast. The mix includes wheat flour, grains, polenta, salt and ascorbic acid. Have not found anything similar here.
  16. Very late to this topic but just bought a bread maker. What I need now is a wholemeal bread mix (so i don't need to measure the different quantities) and the brand of yeast, and where to buy.
  17. And not a road to be travelling on long weekend holidays.
  18. True are really a nuisance the way they change things without any notice. Their website is not readable now with all of the push advertising. Your problem might end up hitting me as well but at the moment I pay by credit card through their iService that is accessed by my email address. The only good thing I can say about them is their call centre that gives very good service.
  19. Where are the local markets for any of those. If they have to be transported to Bangkok the middle man takes most of the profits.
  20. But you do not have to pay the full price of a complete Honda brushcutter. My local supplier sold me one at half the Honda price with the GX35 engine (absolutely great) but with shaft and head not branded. As it turned out the head was made in Japan so might have been close to Honda original. As has been said many times above, stay away from the 2 strokes unless you are a mechanic. They might be cheaper and lighter but cannot compare to the GX35.
  21. You are looking too much at Youtube. Plenty of things to grow but no local markets in regional Thailand at a profitable price. How do I know, by the losses over 2 years of my dear wife growing them.
  22. 1. But the cash point of sale registers don't. 2. From under the mattress.
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