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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Yes, I feel sorry for the Aussies. If these people had not been loitering around the motorbike theft would not have happened.
  2. I think that is going to be a problem for me also as I have 2 3 phase multi-point water heaters. From memory I think one draws 11 A / phase when on the 'hot' setting. That would be 22A per phase if both units are on plus anything else. Maybe best to route the heaters wiring only from the grid, but for my place, a difficult wiring modification. Can I contact you to find out more about your inverter as this is someone else's thread?
  3. I see, so that would be a normal safety feature of the inverter. So the trick would be to never draw more from the inverter (on its own) that it is rated to deliver without the grid? Do you like the brand of inverter you have?
  4. Thanks. Why do you sometimes regret not having 3 single phase inverters? Is it to do with the 3 phase inverter tripping if the phases are not balanced? Thanks.
  5. Thanks for the reply. I just wondered why you chose that brand inverter and why you didn't install 3 single phase inverters. I have seen some reports of trouble with a combined 3 phase inverter if the phases are not balanced.
  6. @cokwise off topic, but, I'd like to pick your brain a bit about your 3 phase inverter installation. I hope to install a 3 phase inverter ++ this year. I will need some help and was hoping with help from this forum I could do it. I don't see a place to PM you for some questions. How can I contact you (that's if you don't mind).
  7. Well she didn't return with me cause I'm in Aus. 🙂
  8. Wifey just picked up our new car. 🙂
  9. Some people got passport stamps made near China Town which did cause a small problem.
  10. I've got a worster one than that.
  11. I am using a rent a car and I needed my phone GPS (as the rent a cars doesn't have them). I plugged in my phone to the USB car female plug, turned it on and also the car entertainment unit and Android Auto came up on the car screen. I connected and my car gps (Google Maps) displayed on the car screen.
  12. I agree. I looked at it this way: Our old car is 12 years old, still good but at 250000 km things will start to go wrong, so buying a new car that will hopefully be trouble free for another 10 odd years will probably be a good investment. I also (more for wifey) a greater acceloration in the car for those times she misjudged a bit and needed more passing power.
  13. Car being detailed. Wifey picks it up next week. Exciting.
  14. A long time ago the Japanese bought up an easy way to reduce the pollution from those black smoke blowing trucks in Bangkok. All trucks should have their exhaust pipes vertical, like ending above the cab instead of horizontal to the ground. This was not going to solve, but reduce the problem. They also did extensive studies with a fully automated traffic light system, instead of a few police pushing buttons. Non of their extensive research findings were implemented.
  15. Try searching with Thailand, water filter, make, model. Something like that. I think you can slip out that brown filter (was white) and take it to a shop. Sorry I just can't remember where the best water filter shop is. You could probably replace it with a Big Blue sediment filter then get a reverse osmosis 6 stage filter if you are going to drink the water.
  16. Great. Wifey picks up ours on the 19th. Unfortunately I won't be back until 6th March. She's off to see the BYD Mukdahan salesman as he rang asking for another B20000 to ensure we still want delivery before they get it sent from Bangkok. Salesman said the vehicle cost price is the same. Bit strange, but if the price we agreed on when I paid the deposit is the same, I think no worries. Will be interesting to see on the 19th if she's told about driving in the ECO mode initially.
  17. Easy solution: vehicles have right of way at pedestrian crossings. Anyone been here for awhile knows you wait until there are no cars to cross. Or go to the nearest overhead bridge crossing.
  18. I'm old but had to fill in a form the other day. The usually stuff, Name, Address etc. Then Male, Female, etc, then a box 'Identify as Something Else' and 'What do you identify as'. Us taxpayers payed a group of people to have meetings and come up with this line of text on a form. If the movement would have stopped at Male, Female, Gay, Lesbian, I supported that but to keep going, now identifying as something else went tooooo far and of course there was going to be a backlash. Don't particularly like Donald Trump but he's got some good ideas.
  19. Thank you very much for this. 🙂 I can read Thai too (an old AUA Bangkok adventure), but would also be painfull for me. Been practising a bit on the Thai BYD sites. 🙂 Talking about SIMs; I don't know anything about car SIMs. I suppose if I look at a car as a device, then the SIM is connected to a BYD cloud? I suppose it can update any car software function. What is it's main purpose and how was it activated? Does it have a Wifey function? Like mute the car GPS when wifey is on board as she knows directions better than the GPS. 🙂
  20. Jealous @motdaeng :). Still waiting but only approx. 2 months since ordering. Keep us informed of how it's going. Why do they say only drive in the eco mode initially? Not worried but just wonder why. Years ago you had to 'run in' a new car. Many adds for carpets, internal trims etc on the BYD internet sites for the Sealion 7. I thought it came with carpets etc. Did the dealer advise you it was delivered and then you said what % windows tints, carpets etc. or did the dealer complete all that to your previous specifications then ring you and say pick it up? Did you know what number you were on the farque or did the dealer just say it's here? 🙂
  21. I have ordered the Sealion 7 as you'all probably know. At present I'm visiting Aus and have been driving a little Toyota hybrid rent a car. I can see why drivers (specially in Aus) don't go fully EV but make the Hybrid step first. This little car had a range of over 800km when I picked it up. I did about 600 odd km and cost me $52 to fill up the tank again. Hybrids seem great value if someone is scared to make the complete jump to EV. Rental about $100/day but dosen't come standard with a GPS. I would have thought that all modern cars would have standard GPS. Don't think I'd order a BYD car and have to ask for GPS as an add on. Maybe just the rent-a-cars....stupid.
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