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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. The impeachment proceedings are a good thing. It will give the public an opportunity for a complete review of all the violence and atrocities associated with the 2010 redshirt protest. Abhisit diplomatically (Abhisit's biggest fault) says there were violent elements mingling with the redshirt crowds. The evidence will show that the violence was part and parcel of the entire redshirt protest movement in 2010. The NLA can evaluate the threat to the public, the lack of response by the police, and determine whether Abhisit should have used less lethal means to disperse the protesters. Even if all judgments are pre-defined, as the PTP supporters claim, the impeachment will be an important reminder of what can happen when the redshirts are allowed to control the streets of Bangkok.

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  2. How is this news, and why does anyone care he has a BB gun? Did they become illegal?

    Read the news article. This guy entered the country illegally, probably with a forged document claiming he was a political refugee. He has no passport and has a prior arrest warrant for dealing in pornography. Exactly the type of vermin that needs to be rounded up and either locked up or sent back to his home country.

    "Further checks revealed that Mr. Mihaisin had resided in Thailand for 15 years without a passport and we discovered that he was arrested in 2008 under arrest warrant number 1357/2550 issued by the Pattaya Provincial Court on a charge of 'participation of persons to make, produce, participate in obscene movies or other tape recordings'".

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  3. Thaksin, of course, wants to prove to his foes and the world that he's innocent on all charges levelled against him, which means he would accept nothing short of a complete wiping of the slate.


    -- The Nation 2015-02-21

    The only way to prove innocence is a trial. Thaksin elected to flee rather than prove his innocence at trial. Fleeing speaks volumes as to his claimed innocence of the charges.

  4. If they want to boost the economy, they will improve the international gateway and stop interception of internet traffic for censorship and monitoring purposes. Increasing the number of users won't boost the economy, if the internet is slow, and new social media users are added. They need to boost international internet speeds if they want to attract IT and high-tech business investment.

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