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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. We can always use the red-shirt argument. "She was abducted by red-shirts, masquerading as soldiers, in order to discredit the junta". Turnabout is fair play.

    Who knows what happened here, or at the temple back in 2010. The only way the truth would ever be discovered is to have an international inquiry, and that will never happen. Any Thai inquiry into the events of 2010 would suffer from bias.

  2. He was ordered to love and worship the Junta and it's leaders and anything other than 110% devotion to your leaders will not be tolerated. Prayuth wonders why he is not welcome in places like the USA and Australia, this is one of the major reasons and how they picture his Junta. They see it as a total D

    I think you've drunk enough kool-aid today. The truth is that Prayuth came to power illegitimately. He has a tendency to say some pretty stupid things. There has been some suppression of press and speech freedoms. Despite all of that, his government has performed fairly well. And the majority of Thais recognize this and are not going to rock the boat to elect another corrupt government which they know will be worse for them. If the suppression of freedoms was severe enough or the government caused them great distress, they would rise up. The army couldn't withstand a major episode of civil unrest. Patience, however, is wearing thin and the Junta will need to soon get a new constitution in place and make way for elections. Don't try to impose your western democratic values upon a situation that requires a different solution. That would be failing to think outside the box, an attitude most westerners criticize the Thais for lacking.

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  3. And no American should accept any IRS inquiry or correspondence as being authentic. The entire agency has been discredited and lost its authority. How is a regular citizen to know if they are actually dealing with an IRS official acting within their legal capacity? They act like thugs, and should all be treated as criminals. Let the tax courts settle tax matters, not criminals.

  4. Well I'm not an expert, but I do work in Government hospitals every week. It doesn't take a MP to know why there are substantial losses. If the money that was taken by the directors was actually put into the hospitals, they would have really nice facilities.

    If Thaksin's scheme wasn't viewed as economically sustainable, perhaps some reforms could be implemented to preserve medical care for the bulk of the population.

  5. A Prime Minister not elected by the people is just not the right way to do it. History has shown that.

    PMs are never elected, but always selected by the MPs. It's not a democratic process, but rather a representative one. If you want an elected leader, you would support general election of a president or premier. There's little difference between a PM who was elected by a very small part of the country, and a non-PM. It doesn't make the process any more democratic that the PM be a current MP.

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