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Everything posted by johng

  1. Exactly the same as a gunman "asking politely for your valuables" with the loaded gun to your head...you handed those "valuables" over willingly thus no crime was committed ???
  2. I just had another quick look at tailscale and reminded myself why I'm rather reluctant to be reliant upon a "man in the middle" server,having to install their app on every device...will it really be "free" forever etc etc. It does seem to offer what I want to achieve quite easily ( I'm rather suspicious of the free and easy bit ) so I'll keep trying to D.I.Y for a bit longer well till my head explodes which isn't that far off
  3. I'm trying to do it with only "servers" under my control no VPS or paid for "anythings" ( or need to give credit card details for "free service") other than the already "paid for" I have a ToT/NT public ip that changes every 24 hours-ish that I'm trying to use as the "exit node" (ASUS RT-AC86U modem running Asuswrt-Merlin firmware ) DDNS ( I use duck dns as its free !! 🙂 ) works to convert that ip to a domain name and I can use that name to VPN to the relay server/exit node (RT-AC86U) quite reliably...just need the extra step to get to the other server PIvpn located behind CGNAT on another already paid for True internet, with some reverse tunnel or proxy or some other magic from the ToT/NT connection. I looked at tailscale and ngrok a while back and got ngrok kind of working "for free" but a new user on every invocation kind of killed the usefulness at that time I didn't think to use my already semi static public IP on the ToT connection because at that time they had silently moved me to CGNAT I complained but they said it is what it is ! ( that was shortly after the ToT /NT merger) recently I discovered that they either moved me back or are/where playing some strange games that resulted in "show my ip address" websites saying one thing and the router reporting a different WAN IP..which I assumed was CGNAT however recently discovered that using the router wan ip in openvpn settings instead of the "show my ip address" website address results in a connection and so my head is still spinning round and round
  4. This of course is the very best solution but does require having friends or family in the country that the VPN needs to appear to be located in. ( and that they have a "proper" public Ip address ) I'm trying to get my head around setting up a pivpn behind a CGNAT router/modem (True internet) using a relay/proxy server that does have a public IP address as the connection point...my head is spinning rite round baby right round like a record baby round round round round !!!
  5. Depends if you set the resolution of the youtube videos to playback at 240p or 4K.
  6. The “vaccine“ did not stop transmission as admitted by Pfizer executive
  7. There was no choice ,when it was a “choice“ of jab or losing job, lively hood,home , business right to work...that is not a choice that is cohersion and should be tried under the Geneva convention trail number II
  8. Yes the “ratanagorn“ market sorry for spelling...but it's so far from Prathumnuk...at least a days walk away 🙂
  9. They won't charge 50 satung though..just in case someone thought they were being ripped off
  10. Frienship,Foodmart,Tops in Tukcom basement . Tops in Central Festival the Beach may be "expensive"
  11. His sense of humour is great I'll look out for the YMCA dance..but I thought he was an anti gay,fascist,Nazi ? no maybe not .
  12. Those afraid of their own shadow who "masked up" "social distanced" "worked from home" destroyed the economy and business's of millions of SME's "jabbed and boosted" them self's to "save granny " whilst the wealth was transferred upwards ??? Those poor brainwashed souls were certainly afraid of their own shadow (covidiocy)
  13. And you do the same 555 Except you don't have to wait months.
  14. if everything works at ground level but not on your floor then I suspect the hallway router is misconfigured or kaput...asking them to keep resting the internet won't help Try connecting to another floor router..or “accidently“ disconnect the dodgy hallway router from the power supply for a short time to test the results.
  15. I can speak only for myself. 68 millions can also speak for themselves and it seems they have.
  16. I'll feel exactly the same as I don't receive any benefits from “uncle sam“
  17. They most certainly are.... they,them, he, she what is a woman ?
  18. He escaped the "criminal witch hunt" and good for him. 👍
  19. Trump is not Putin or Hitler FFS !!! He did quite well apart from the Covidiocy Plandemic which infected the whole world , how the "whole world" fell for it I'm still amazed but it was not Trump's fault.
  20. No donation from me. You may not be "racist" but you will certainly be "something else" the "something" is yet to be defined and at the whim of the accuser.
  21. The topic is Germany's collapse I think high energy costs have a big part in that.
  22. And don't mention who blew up the pipeline and illegal sanctions leading to massive increase in energy costs and devastation to the economy that would be Russian propaganda 🤣
  23. Well he is certainly not very "diplomatic" !!
  24. Any lease that prohibits guests is not only unworkable but also one that noone in their right mind would agree to sign.
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