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Everything posted by johng

  1. Have you read it yet ? I have an audio book version that is rather long but haven't listed to it yet..one of those things to get round to eventually.
  2. Seeing as the "management" refuse If you can do the repairs yourself or hire someone else to do the repairs then do that..its probable that it can be fixed internally even though the root cause is outside where the management will not allow access. sometimes you have to think outside the box like @Rampant Rabbit did above.
  3. I have another idea as to why but expressing it here would be futile so I wont.
  4. Age and co-morbidities of these poor souls ohh never mind I see some statistics from and earlier report. Why don't they just report the actual ages of the victims ?
  5. Those laughing might like to stop for a moment and remember that Putin /Russia has the largest stock pile of nuclear weapons on earth as well as a very large conventional weapons stockpile, has ramped up military production lines the last couple of years and has millions of men to call up for military service if they need to.
  6. Yes isn't AI great..the Polish guy was riding the bike. The Thai press used to give every nationality a pet name meung nam hom land of perfume for France meung poo dee land of the Gentlemen for Great Britain meung saigrock or beer for the Germans there are loads of others I cant remember off the top of me head but some are not very politically correct maybe that's why they use them much less in reports now.
  7. Yes and "the collective west" don't ever seem to listen until they carry out the treat as we have seen in Crimea and now the Donbas...then they are surprised and outraged ...it's not as though they didn't say plain as day "if you do this we will do that" they have said it again and again now they are actually doing it...and yes I am concerned I think you should be too..unless you have a spot in the Zuckerburg fallout shelter.
  8. Everyone should resist genetically engineered crops until they are proven 100% "safe and effective" and by that I don't mean hiding the data for 75 years...its too late by then. It's a direct comparison to "gain of function" research carried out in the Bio labs of Wuhan and elsewhere. GM crops could provide a shortcut to the natural evolution of the plants..or something catastrophic could happen..I prefer to let nature work things out...mankind can speed it along a bit with selective breeding as has been done for ages already.
  9. Well it seems to me they carried out the worthless and baseless threat of taking control of Crimea and then the Donbas region... After this very clear warning will you be as surprised and outraged as Cameron will be when "something" happens ? Russia's foreign ministry said Lord Cameron's remarks recognised that Britain was now de-facto a part of the conflict and contradicted an earlier assurance that long-range weapons given to Ukraine would not be used against Russia.
  10. The Russian foreign ministry summoned British Ambassador Nigel Casey (right) to the Kremlin on Monday and warned him that if Ukrainian forces use British weaponry to attack Russia, Moscow could hit 'any UK military facility and equipment on Ukrainian territory and beyond "and beyond" in my view means including on British soil then we also have this earlier bit of news https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13386907/Russia-stepping-plans-unleash-violent-acts-sabotage-Europe-including-bombings-arson-attacks-intelligence-agencies-warn-wave-arrests-Moscow-operatives.html Do you think the Russians might be trying to tell us something ??
  11. And predictably he will act all surprised and outraged if/when Russia targets British-supplied weapons whilst they are still in Britain. A few moments later... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13387683/Moscow-threatens-strike-British-military-targets-Ukraine-abroad.html Moscow has threatened to strike British military targets in Ukraine and elsewhere if it finds Kyiv's forces used British-supplied long-range missiles to strike Russia.
  12. Crikey what a rip off !!! some people obviously have more money than they know what to do with.
  13. Thanks for that what a horrible scene ! I can't understand why "mong" pulls over into the outside lane as there is no U turn spot until the next set of traffic lights at the Ocean marina/ motorway 7 junction a good long way further down the road. (you can see the big green sign in the distance) They are both lucky not to have been run over by other speed maniacs following along.
  14. One time I was at the transport office doing the colour test and a guy in front of me was obviously colour blind as he kept saying the wrong colours, after 3 wrong attempts the examiner said "if you say green again you go home" she then pointed to a new colour on the board and the guy shouted out "green" everyone in the queue laughed the examiner laughed and she let him continue onto the next test ! The traffic light braking reaction test was at times pretty disturbing to witness, the depth perception test was a bit more difficult to see who had bad problems but there where many "do overs" on all these tests.
  15. That's a rather politicly incorrect term but made me laugh. link to the original article https://siamrath.co.th/n/533994 looks like the 19 year old foreigner was driving a big bike at speed wearing a pair of shorts and trainers. They should have taken him to Wat Yarn hospital which is much closer than Bangkok Pattaya. This stretch of road is now a very dangerous 5 lane in both directions race track be careful out there.
  16. https://news.sky.com/story/israel-rejects-ceasefire-proposal-and-presses-ahead-with-targeted-strikes-on-rafah-13130835 Israel rejects ceasefire proposal and presses ahead with 'targeted strikes' on Rafah
  17. The illegal sanctions imposed on Russian industries and finance. Gazprom was apparently denied essential equipment that would have allowed the pipeline to re-open...and then it was blown up to make sure it never did. And so blame it on Putin conveniently he's a mad man right only a mad man would do such a thing ?
  18. This is what they will have you believe ...that the numbers are minute except when you look at the yellow card,VAERs and insurance company figures.
  19. @Lacessit You did not hear the news that Germany smarting from the gas restrictions where in talks with Russia to re establish gas flow...then miraculously the pipeline was blown up making sure 100% that they had to rely on much more expensive imports of gas...from whom ? Who would be imposing the massive penalties for breach of contract if the contract could not be honoured due to illegal sanctions on equipment being supplied to one party. Not to mention Biden himself saying on video that the pipeline one way or another would be stopped.
  20. Glad to have made you laugh...because it is laughable to suggest that children can or even should be shielded for nature.
  21. Already told you I don't eat that "crap" as for thinking outside the box I suggest that maybe you try it sometime. P.S it was Russia that defeated the Nazis in Europe much that it annoys you and other western propaganda victims.
  22. No one saw it but it doesn't matter because someone might have and those someone might have been children who of course should never witness anything explicit let alone sexually until the age of ??? 16 ? 18 ? 21 ? what should adults tell the "little angels" when they witness stray dogs fornicating openly on the street in broad daylight. What if they ask about "the birds and the bees" (totally natural procreation) should they be scolded and sent to stand in the corner for such insolence ?
  23. Gazprom didn't collapse there where concerted and deliberate efforts to deny Europe Germany in particular of cheap Russian gas Remember the Nord stream pipeline ( Putin did not blow up his own pipeline) just part of the idiotic push to end fossil fuels when we are no where near having viable alternatives and sustain our current standards of living.
  24. I had a similar issue eventually the trader working with Lazada refunded money directly to my wife's bank account perhaps you have a trusted friend or relative that could act as a proxy for you ?
  25. Yes the picture is looking more and more like all out NATO involvement and therefore WWIII.
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