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Everything posted by johng

  1. I hope RFKjr looks into this. https://sharylattkisson.com/2024/10/govt-researchers-flu-shots-not-effective-in-elderly-after-all/ FluShotsinElderly mp4.mp4
  2. Sounds like a threat to me ?hope the NSA,CIA and FBI take note 😋
  3. @JulesMad was talking about balls... it takes balls to continue after 2 assassination attempts no ????
  4. Very true. The skin is from all the dead and wounded Ukrainian and Russian combatants. ☹️
  5. Yes this is where "Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson" and Co hold some culpability.
  6. They will have to "surrender" there is no choice for them they are out of armaments and boots on the ground. If "surrender" is too harsh then call it a peace negotiation.
  7. "Me to" 😋 for quite some time now although it is not on my forum ignore list there is "no one" on my forum ignore list no matter how vehemently I disagree with the things "they, them, it" say...I just ignore them but still get to see what (mostly) utter propaganda narrative they spew.
  8. Because they are young and naive, because they have little other choices, because they are conscripted,because it runs in the family ?
  9. Boing !! can I ass-u-me that was some sort of joke ? 2x assassination attempts on Trump he comes back roaring like a lion and does the things he promised (mostly) he has balls the size of Jupiter 🤣
  10. I wish the farmers every success. no farmers no food !!!
  11. I believe storm shadow and Atcms would require us military satellite target aquistion and guidance ? However i'm no military weapons expert !
  12. Almost every time I try to use my UK card in Thailand it's flagged as fraudulent and blocked...resulting in long tedious phone calls to try unlocking it again....well at least till I learned my lesson just use a Thai card or cash when in Thailand.
  13. Trump joked today in his speech that he might use that law to remove memes and deepfakes of himself
  14. Already done...how about a fat tax persons over say 80 kilos to pay extra VAT on everything to "encorage" them to loose fat ? Nope I don't agree with taxing as a social engineering tool...much better is education and emphasising the importance of eating healthy food (as opposed to processed fast food) and getting some exercise away from the smartphone !
  15. There should be none arriving in UK by "small boats" as they have aleady reached a safe country before they set off in the "small boat" Instead of sploodging billions of pounds for a hundred years in defending Ukraine, 2 tier should be defending UK borders and sending a clear message to illegal immigrants by sending them back to wence they came.
  16. because they seem hell bent on sending everyone elses kids to die ? Instead of persuing peace.
  17. Well tell them to use use um fast as (i'm pretty sure it was) "Stormin Norman" said use them or loose them.
  18. No because a: They dont have any of their own. b: The rockets would need guidance from US military assets... and c Kiev would receive at least equall retaliation but likely major destruction. P.S Ukraine has lost this war...long past time to sit down with the Russians and negotiate a peace deal.
  19. 100% agree with this, if the politicians dont/wont take action then the athletes should just refuse to participate...
  20. USA credit card at local store ? just use cash...lucky the fraud was detected.
  21. Trump is responsible for 100bn extra without government subsidies.
  22. Deranged leftist at MSNBC MSNBC host just said she hopes 13 year old cancer patient DJ Daniel doesn’t K*LL HIMSELF from having to deal with Trump supporters.
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