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Everything posted by johng

  1. Rubbish !!
  2. Why not Kamala she won "bigly" 🤣
  3. Mr. Blue, you did it right ? But soon comes Mr. Right Creeping over, now his hand is on your shoulder Never mind, I'll remember you this I'll remember you this way 🤮 🤮
  4. What the ???? who would know more about my life than me ? how could someone else be a better "authority" on my views and opinions than me? "Own research is not allowed" really does sum it up quite perfectly...again WTF !! just more proof that it is biased and not to be trusted.
  5. Same every year for the UK NHS at winter time...overwhelmed,chaos, at breaking point, beds in the hallways etc etc every year for years back just look at the "trusted media newspaper headlines" on that microfiche film at the library because "probably" Google and Wikipedia etc have memory holed it.
  6. Rubbish if the subject of the pedia is not allowed to edit their own information then who is ? the person who is named as the subject should be the "de facto authority" about their own life...now if the wiki wants to add some "community notes" that's another story but locking out the named person is a big no at least from me.
  7. No they can't there are numerous "locked profiles" where even the subject of the pedia can't edit their own entry !!!
  8. Don't trust Wikipedia https://nypost.com/2021/07/16/wikipedia-co-founder-says-site-is-now-propaganda-for-left-leaning-establishment/
  9. How's that investigation into the other undersea sabotage event so quickly attributed to the Russians going ? (sound of crickets) P.S it wasn't the Russians
  10. Nothing wrong with a burger now and again...or a piza or a beer...everything in moderation.
  11. Yes remember kids that doing your own research is frowned upon not only might you fall for disinformation but your IQ will diminish too !
  12. Indeed ...seems there were some "irregularities" with the "auction" (let alone the show trial and billion +++ dollar payout ! ) Infowars down for 1 day now back up again.
  13. And then..... Antony Blinken announces "every dollar we have at our disposal will be pushed between now and January 20th" 🤮 Added to the green light for long range missile strikes into Russian territory looks like the "peace process" is working wonderfully (remember war is peace)
  14. I wondered why someone would be in serious trouble..would you call the police,your mum , would you physically assault the smoker or give them a tongue lashing ?
  15. Sweden ?.....from or with ? America is very obese and addicted to prescription medicine...that is something RFKjr will hopefully try to address MAHA. Can we now ask what happened to the "good old flu" during the Covidiocy ? or is that still taboo ? And yep you just confirmed that you are indeed an authoritarian "in disguise" sorry that my ignorance hurts your eyes... luckily there is no mandatory authoritarian dictate that you have to read my postings to keep your job ehh ! As for "logic" I am the operator of my pocket calculator.
  16. I believe someone did ..at first I thought China but more and more "evidence" seems to point to "someone"else who out sourced their dastardly "research" to the Wuhan institution.
  17. Are you some sort of lifestyle and spelling police "officer" did you not understand anything of what I wrote even with spelling errors ? Not surprised really that you fully supported the authoritarian Covidiocy mesures no matter how ridiculous they became.
  18. Are you insinuating that "clever Trever" isnt very clever ? I asked what is wrong with Trump liking the "uneducated" after all we should all embrace "diversity, equity and equality " no ?
  19. So what's wrong with that ? DEI and all that crap !
  20. They threatened legal action if he didn't buy at the inflated price ..remember ?
  21. Nope not avoiding them at all...except you fail to realise it is my choice to eat them or not...not so much choice if the industrial waste is deliberately mixed into public drinking water is there ? I certainly refuse the recent "public health measures" that were nothing short of an authoritarian dictatorship and nothing to do with "health" closing the beaches where people could exercise,get fresh air ,relax and get a free dose of vitimin D clearly showed it was not about "health" Ivermectin was malighned as a "horse dewormer" not fit for human consumption even before any studies had been carried out and even though it is a highly safe and affective human medicine ...why ? because there could be no other "treatment" available if an untested experimental therapy was to be foist upon an unsuspecting puplic bypassing the usual years and years of safety testing. All these were in decline before due to better public health measures... sewage managment , washing hands after toilet and before eating/preparation of food refrigeration etc.
  22. Because they pay a lot of money, AIPAC to all those senators except senator Thomas Massie who refused their advances and now faces a smear campaign.
  23. They are totally incapable of telling the truth..because they wouldn't know the truth is even if it comes and smacks them right in their face as the Trump landslide win shows still believing the MSM/ legacy media propaganda...and wondering how the hell he won !
  24. Also it should be up to the individual to decide if they want to take a very "safe and effective" medicine like ivermectin and refuse other concoctions that have not been time tested for safety.
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