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Everything posted by johng

  1. Good...if anyone wants extra floride they can have it no need to add it to tap water (almost mandatory consuption) same with sugar..they don't add that to tap water do they ? if you want either it should be up to the individual to decide not the "guberment"
  2. lets hope so and also MAHA ๐Ÿ‘
  3. Obviously not for you
  4. Depends on the damage/extent. The "repair guy" topping up the oil leads me to suspect..it has at some time run low or completely out of oil they can actually run for quite a while with "no" oil before total destruction.
  5. I suspect it ran out of oil causing damage to the piston,valves and bearings...a shade tree mechanic can "fix" it for 3000 +++ baht depending on the damage found when the engine is opened...
  6. If you don't know by now you never will ! Keep watching CNN they'll cover it "eventually". Perhaps after the requested 70 years...still in the dark ? Yep thought so.
  7. Apologized for what ? The CBDCโ€™s will leave no where to hide ...so he is correct. use cash as much as you can. Or there really will be nowhere to โ€œhide"
  8. let's hope so ,I also want to see them tried for their crimes against humanity along with their accomplises Fauchi ,Gates etc
  9. His many years in persecution /witch hunt maybe ? 0,zilch ,soon years in prison.
  10. Seems some have a hard time understanding legal vs illegal immigrants.
  11. He is not an illegal immigrant is he ?
  12. He is saying that the science is set in stone..it has been proven beyond doubt and that "us useless plebs" should just believe whatever the "scientists" and legacy media say...no questions no doubt just blind faith !
  13. I await with baited breath but not holding my breath as I doubt it will materialise for many many years ๐Ÿ˜‹
  14. Deport the illegals its quite simple...if they have kids then they are illegal too so deport them also simple.
  15. Once you are divorced then that is that....
  16. I believes they will ask both parties at the amphur about shared "stuff" and if both agree then there is no "plomplem" no need for lawyers and written affidavits if both parties agree.
  17. are you joking or being ironic ? hard to tell without a emoji ๐Ÿ˜‹
  18. Deport the "LEGAL" immigrants he never said that so he won't do it perhaps you meant Illegal immigrants ?
  19. They held a gun to poeple's head threatening their jobs ,livelihoods and freedoms how you don't see that is truly amazing to me !
  20. Having a good earth can help with shocks from computers as their power supplies are often leaky due to design they need an earth...its ( mostly ) always a good idea to have an earth. The very cheap and shody china usb adaptors are often designed in a dangerous way so if a component fails or there is water or ants inside there can be dangerous voltage on the usb plug end where there never should be more than 5 volts. In this case what can save a life is an "earth-leakage circuit breaker"
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